Your threads deliver.
Top notch sh*tpost!
You remember a while back when Ron Artest laid down on the scorers’ table? You might not, that was going on thirty years ago, now. I seem to recall that someone went into the stands looking for the spectator that threw a drink at him.
There were ejections and suspensions, but nothing permanent.
I get where you’re coming from, though. Against that, if someone is particularly thick-headed in screwing around, I think at least one level of finding out is appropriate.
What about the posts of whiners who whine about whiners? Who will hold them accountable?
The most transparent narcissists are those who pre-emptively post complaining about what other players might say, because if they wait until complaints arise, those invidious comparison videogame tribalists may have nothing and no one to complain about.
Turtles all the way down…
I’ve lost track of how many layers deep this meta has gone…
We’re now at Inception levels.
The God of Recursion, whoever that is, isn’t in the least bit afraid to keep adding layers. As many as it takes.
Stop whining about whiners whining about whiners you whiner
Stop making posts about whining about whining about whining about whiners whining about whiners.
most useless post ever
so you make a thread whining about whining about whining?
People come to forums to post about something and interact with each other, its not like anyone ever says hi in a pug or in guildchat (well…sometimes) or while camping sha of anger. but HERE we can always find something to post about, even if its about whiners who drink too much whine.
People “could” just scroll past topics they don’t like, but then they might leave here without posting anything, and we might never know their name…