Stop Making Content Exclusive to Classic

If I had a nickel for every time I read “thread muted”…

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Classic = arcade style. It’s not anywhere near what Vanilla was, let alone scamming them all into new expansions.

Retail gets something and classic gets something.

Not sure what the issue is other than jealousy at what a different version of the game got?

More like envy of “Man, I wish that was available on Retail.”

I’ve just been vibing though, I’m not so much of a collector that I’d feel compelled to buy Classic stuff for +1s on Retail though, so even though there would be a time where I’d look and say, “That’s neat” the moment I see it’s attached to Classic I tend to just delete it from my mind.


It’s smart business.
You have X amount of developers with X amount of time to make product.
You make product for a genre notorious for content devourers. The people who play 12+ hours a day can consume content faster than it can be created.
What do you do?

You revive old content and add small customizations to keep it interesting.

Do you know how long it takes to create a zone and how many man-hours it represents?

  • Brim