Stop dying to M+ bosses; Maybe less people will leave your key

The cast time of the second cast depends on the first interrupt. Interrupting last second on the first cast will make the second cast very short. Potentially letting the cast go off.

A group can quicky communicate this before the encounter during the RP. Or the tank saying they will get the 2nd cast.

That cast is 100% kickable. If you get the parasite, you’ve already failed.


Can i get more info on these three?

tredova: so it copies where i ran on the previous cast of acid expulsion?

Zophex: which immunites work (ie. can i turtle or we just talking like divine shield and ice block) and when should it be used? Immediatly when targeted or what?

Soleah: I cant visualize where youre specifically saying to tank, any further description? Also, does this just give ppl more time to dodge or what? I dont usually have an issue myself but love anything that could help my groups take less damage.

Great tips in here, already utilize most of them. Trying to push my 20s soon hopefully.

that is a great tip thanks

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You can say that about literally anything in a key.

That said, kudos to you for writing this all up. Good advice for those doing under 15’s and hopefully they find this helpful.

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If you move right in the first cast. The second cast will copy your movements from before. If someone in the group runs across the map you will see a green swirly also run across the map the next time it casts the ability.

You can use it while it is targeting you, but before it goes off. Turtle will work. Shadowmeld works too, but I think it makes the boss target someone else lol.

There’s like a little half circle off to the right side.


However, you never know if an extra dps will interrupt. The second cast starts immediately after the end of the first, the important thing is that you have two people interrupting. If you have everyone interrupting at the end of the cast, it’s possible that three of your four interrupters will miss the end (or four of five if resto sham, or just two of three if you have a balance druid), but unlikely. I think that everyone interrupting 1-2 seconds before the end of the cast is better for pugs, simply because it guarantees no early double technique breaks and requires no communication.

If you were to kill the guy at the top of the stairs right at the bottom and hang a right, its right there. Alternatively, i have seen people tank him by the portal at the back of the room.

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I only have 1 interrupt with long cd. I hope parasite is not one cast. The Tank and the other melee dps’ers have faster cd interrupts. Dont expect me to be the interrupt master of the group. My main role in M+ is to delete adds, transfer aggro to tanks thru misdiection, tons of kiting CCs, kill Enrage and sometimes do Lust. I am pretty sure my interrupt is always being used but I cant spam them like melees. If I get a parasite, somebody has messed up his role. What do you expect on PuGs? bad things always happen on PuGs. But this is a good discussion, my next Mist run, I would make sure I would save my only interrupt just for it. Carry my bad PuG group is still my thing.

yeah, Feign Death just changes who it is targeting so I assume Shadowmeld is the same. Thanks for the response.

Make high mechanics content, people are guaranteed to mess it up and it should be an expected potential outcome

The problem is that bliz isn’t valuing our time with the way this system is designed. It is extremely punitive with way too much negative feedback and largely only being done for the additional negative feedback FOMO slot machine vault.

So you want all bosses to just be a tank and spank? No thank you. Complexities make M+ fun for those who enjoy M+. It isn’t overly complex. Most bosses only have about 3 mechanics.

The rest of your response is off topic so going to ignore that.


what else would you be using it on for that boss?

if you’re talking about the channel with the shield, a common strat is to just let it go since the boss does nothing during it.

mechanics in general make M+ interesting, but I would say that specifically M+ trash mechanic density is a bit too high.


I think it’s not more on if I have the cd or not for interrupt. It’s a question of if I would switch targets or not. If I switch targets to Gormlings, I wont see any casting from Boss, no interrupt would happen. I am saying is… more likely I wont switch target on this Boss fight until I interrupted his parasite cast. I hope my Multishot on Boss would hit gormlings while I am, waiting for his Parasite cast, if not, the guy targetted by gormlings is on his own. Necrotic affix and gormlings… sorry no switching of targets yet.

2 things:
1: you don’t have a focus target interrupt?
2: you switch target to the adds?

as an MM hunter, you shouldn’t need to swap targets to the tredova ads. you just keep doing your ST rotation, and your passive trick shots from set will just kill them.

also counts the # of adds present


That’s the best scenario for a decent group… But I am a 100% PuG player. I always expect the worst. I am not complaining. I just have to use my toolkit more wisely. Discussing the strat on this thread would help me resolve my issues with PuGs.

If we do wipe, I can now confidently explain to my PuG group why we failed and I would recommend them to run to the tank if they are targetted for gormlings so that my Multishot/trickshots would pwn those gormlings without me switching targets… in effect, I would be able to interrupt parasitic infester.

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when I play pugs on my moonkin, I do activate starfall there, but that’s it. keep single targeting the boss and let starfall do it’s thing

I expect people to interrupt. “it’s not my jerb” is a bad excuse.

Interrupting is everyone’s job.

there is literally nothing more important to interrupt on this fight, so yes, you should save your interrupt for it.

in fact, if you want to big brain it, don’t interrupt right away. wait until the cast is almost over to see if someone else interrupts it.
