Stop Declining Queue Pops!

Exactly, What perp confesses, EXACTLY when we’ve got no real leads… its all too convient

this whole thing reaks of a false confession.


How convenient.

A toon who has never posted before suddenly walks in and confesses to everything. She must have been bribed, tricked, brain washed, or coerced.

The forensic digital image analysis proves that image was altered. OR DID YOU MISS THAT.

She’s clearly being framed. She’s taking the fall for something she didn’t do.


ayyy that timing tho


I absolutely love this lore

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I seem to have experienced this issue tonight (title). Fortunately it was a really fast loss. I’m surprised why the queue didn’t fill up with other solo queuers fast enough though. We were down about 10 people, and it remained that way until the initial fight was pretty much over, after which it was hard to tell how we filled because people were also AFKing.

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You’re more likely to backfill into a losing BG where half the raid leaves after the first fight, or a premade queue dropped than accidentally being backfilled into a winning BG because someone was AFK.

You won’t have half a raid leave a winning BG. It’s rare to get into a winning BG, IT happened to me and good you get a free win within minutes, but the person leaving most likely didn’t intend to.

Whereas backfilling into a loss 100% was intentional from the leavers or queue droppers. The Queue droppers will also create a cycle of AFKers as new backfiller join, realize what is happening and leave too.

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a win within minutes? hmmmmm. did we do it wrong by moving down the map taking towers and hearthing back for recaps?
took alot longer than minutes.

stop queing if pvp is too hard.

Yes, I once backfilled into the last couple minutes of a winning BG. I basically joined and received the winning honor.


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you’re doing bgs at max level for honor?

Listen here, I’m the king of trolls. Go back where you came from before I punt you.


calling yourself the king is like charlie zelenoff saying he’s undefeated.

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but you’re an elf

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The flip-side can also happen… loading into a pugs-vs-pugs where the other side obviously had a premade that mass-dropped their queue :laughing:

Happened to me over the weekend. Loaded into a Wintergrasp offense, so right away I’m thinking “oh boy, loss inc”… but then noticed the other team was hovering at 6/40 players with 42 seconds left on the start timer, hmmmmmm :thinking:

Timer ticks down to 25 —> 15 seconds —> 5 seconds and they’re still hovering at 19/40 players :flushed: (apparently struggling to fill) - meanwhile my team is a healthy 36/40 players when the match begins

When the SR fight starts they’re still hovering at 22/40 players, we ride in with 38 players. Of course, we win the teamfight handily and steamroll thru the walls in like less than 5 minutes

Open up the scoreboard and notice the other team finally filled up to around 38/40… only after it was too late, like 5 minutes later :joy:

i second this * “I have a wonderful recipe. Bring two gnomes, two eggs. Beat Gnomes, separate the eggs- or was it… eh, details.”

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No I meant they run in the bg, they don’t usually leave. In fact I can’t remember the last time a premade dropped we fought.

Every time our premade team in epics Bgs (I dont run in them I just solo queue and get placed with them sometimes) and I see were facing another premade if we win the initial bout 10-20 people AFK out.

Same with random BGs. If im part of a 5 man group and we face another obvious 5 man group they will afk out.

Anecdotal but its pretty common in my experience.


And they make some comments blaming the random pugs for not listening to their orders before they desert the bg.