Who farms FRAAM?!
premades are nothing but cesspools of subhuman individuals with nothing better to do than actually play the game themselves so they just pay people to play it for them.
We still haven’t recieved an answer to this
lol wut? are you confusing pvp carrys in rated content with groups syncing ques in epics?you can’t possibly think people are paying gold to win random bgs…
what hes said is the truth , most premades dont want to vs actual premades n q sync pugs for easy wins . ive witnessed this for few months firsthand .
i reread the post again bro no ones paying ppl to play epics LOL
read the quote
…… pay people to play……
did i misunderstand this statement?
my bad then i assumed he ment play and misspelled
hmm… Its too pixelated to be sure, but maybe could it be a yeti? or the green giant?
Yes, to get a clear picture, we’ll need to enhance it a few times, like in the TV shows and movies.
holy are you going to turn red tomorrow ?
Do we have the technology?
i know the question wasnt posed to me, But ill be making a red draenei warlock asap tommorow
i meant on this toon i have too many
As an altoholic, theres no such thing as too many
this is true
I might end up going horde again though, ally my homies on the alliance are gone, and i got one horde buddy that may come back, who knows
traitor !!! i thought we were homies the audacity . I wouldnt waste $ on a faction swap just yet tho tbh . Who knows if xfaction stuff is inc more .
But we are, I betrayed the original homies to go alliance. I started as horde. (that being said, alliance is my true home, untill they unlock the races to both sides)
There will be no faction transfers, as i said im an altoholic, ill just remake my characters on the opposite faction