Stop Complaining About SoD Shaman

sarcastically quipping about classes staying the same in the context of a class you’re clearly here to see nerfed sounds a whole lot like you think shamans should be nerfed, so dont be upset when people understand what you were implying.

this guy gurm reminds me of the directional one…hmm

he is similar, yet different, to our directional lord. a bizarro version if you will.

truly Downleft

hmm i speak some ancient kekish, “gur” does mean down

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yep one more day here.
SoD is sewage.

then leave. nobody’s making you stay.

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Once they do something about Divine Shield, then Shamans should be tuned down. No class should have 100% immunity to everything with absolutely no counter. And don’t give me this crap about “every 5 minutes.” PvP is not balanced around 1v1, and with ABs having at least 3 Paladins on average, it translates to a single player being able to hold off an entire team long enough for resses or reinforcements from other nodes.

Make it so you can’t attack while bubbled, increase the CD to 10 minutes, or give Mass Dispel exclusively to Horde priests.

Make pallies and shamans available to both factions, and give warriors shattering throw.

nope, skill issue if bubble is a problem for you

same spell it was 20 years ago. I have two ranged abilities I can hit you with in bubble, exorcism on 15 sec CD and repentance that breaks on damage. we all deal less damage now, nobody is getting bursted down inside a bubble from full health

Did you even read what I wrote? Where in my post do I say anything about getting bursted down by a bubbled Paladin? It’s the utility of the spell that is imbalanced.

what’s your factions win rate in AB like again? yeah bubbling on flag for 12 seconds sure is a game changer

Do you know what a strawman argument is? You sure are going through them like there’s an unlimited supply of straw. Let me ask you the new question: Where in my post did I mention AB win rate? You’re complaining about Shamans and I’m telling you why their counterparts on Alliance have issues. Care to get back on topic? Or should I expect a new argument that has nothing to do with what I initially said?

AB win rate is on topic that you brought up lmao you brought up being able to spin flag while immune for 12 seconds like it changes the outcome of the game. it usually doesn’t.

because the whole team still getting fs cleaved non stop.

I’ve seen you cry about bubble in other posts before, cry more