Stop complaining about PTO- reschedule!

So you didn’t quit.

I did quit retail from uldir til 8.3, I played classic for a couple of months. I only started playing retail again in 8.3, bfa is a trash heap.

While I agree with the sentiment, the point itself is weak.
Holiday season alone is bad, my job maxes out on who can take vacation hours during the holiday weeks usually sometime around April. Much less some companies have very strict regulations on PTO.

The big issue being Blizzard was reassured it would release on the chosen date. However they maintained the writing (small print/extra stuff no one reads) that it’d be before 12/31/2020. Still does not make it less asinine.

I however take this as a very good sign. One that Blizzard is making sure it will come out good and secondly that they are listening to the players again. The last and most important to me being them going against the old deadline investors, something we’ve not seen in an age.

P.S. I did not take time off for this. I don’t usually do that.

Nah, you didn’t.

I agree that BFA was bad though.

BfA was the only expansion I voluntarily quit during. I even played 100% of wod

Cool beans, didn’t change what I said. You can’t post on the forums without a sub so your post history gives you away, sorry.

In was up thoroughly till Legion myself. There were aspects of Legion I was not happy with but even then I played Legion multiple times more than BFA.

I never said i wasn’t subbed, I was playing classic though, not bfa

That’s pretty much irrelevant considering they are still getting your money lol.

when did this become about them getting my money lol, classic was ok, worth the time for a bit.

i actually really enjoyed legion, even at the start when it wasn’t that great.

I mean you can’t say you quit without, you know, not quitting lol.

I will say I LOVED the 101 twink meta WPVP killing 110s as a 101.

You’re arguing semantics. I think we all get the picture.

I hope so.

wouldn’t really know lol, played on pve and wm didn’t exist til bfa

Made it really hard to get Talon’s vengeance rep

Ughh… warmode… Worst thing ever…

Basically one of the raids came out with gear that was essentially good for 110s but 101s could wear it. And thus a 101 twink meta was born. Taking on 5 or so levelers as a lvl 101 or going toe to toe with a 110 and winning was the best.

You could also wear legendaries at 101 couldn’t you?

Not sure if I recall. Maybe.

pretty sure you could, was always trying to get one leveling lol