Stop complaining about DH's

Make DH OP and watch the forum storm of hate about DH

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I agree, buff shaman.


Ahahah. Thanks for making me laugh. DHs can be played with your feet. But dw they compensate with high dps and mobility. :rofl:

Clearly LFR is to blame!

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I love DH lore and cosmetics, I just think their playstyle is to simple and they offer nothing new to the game.

They are just a flashier warrior spec.

On this alone calling it another spec is just an insult to the class concept.

lol. i like the rhyme.



Maybe if you played one you’d have a mythic boss killed and a +15 done.

I swear it’s always the ones with no exp complaining about classes and claiming any class in wow on its on is anymore harder or easier than the other.

Nothing hard about incinerate spam and chain bolt spam.

The difficulty in wow comes from the content, it classes. Go do some content


People like you and those that make comments like you need to stop talking. At no point have I ever only used 4 buttons as a demon hunter. Its more like 9-10 regularly. If 4 buttons is how it is for you then you don’t know what you are doing. If you don’t play the class then you shouldn’t be commenting.

I think people don’t have to worry that much
the basic azerite removal of Furious Gaze with shadowlands and these rough changes happening , DH will probably feel the impact.

Though everyone should expect to feel nerfed at the start the shadowlands none the less.

Hey now, I resemble that remark.

There, fixed

mounts and flasks are not part of the rotation :upside_down_face:

Interesting choice in words :thinking:

It’s too late into the expansion for me to care
 But that’s actually my plan for SL! If the class remains as overpowered as it’s been through all of BfA I’m not even gonna bother trying anything else.
Do you realize how unhealthy it is for the game when everyone is playing the same class?
Welcome to World of Havocraft.

I like to play 1 class only, what i like to play the most, called a main character. How that unhealthy?

No you are just disconnected. Go look at pvp laser and Warcraft logs.

You are blaming DH for your lack of skill.

ima laugh when dh’s only dps spec is the lowest and see them cry about it and think about this thread

aww four button teenager is proud of herself. cute.