I have a question, do monks still passively refreshes their slow, disable, through melee attacks?
Can i have this on my hamstring or warriors are the only class that can’t have nice things?
you might as well QQ about the other classes that also do this
you’re right though, warrior does have some vanilla class mechanics that didn’t age well, Hamstring being one of them
They over-buffed Mistweaver, I agree. But if you think Windwalker is good right now you must be 1600 peak because that’s the only bracket where Windwalker is strong.
Aren’t you gonna congratulate me on my 1800 shuffle? melee lobbies galore
How much a healer heals in a bgb is largely irrelevant in the context of class tuning. All it means is that particular healer sat in a teamfight for the majority of the match and the dps werent securing kills. Isn’t hard to CC the healer.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but you have access to 2 stuns, both of which go through parry correct.
false info, it’s been known since the dawn of pvp games that whoever does the biggest numbers always wins
Btw mw got alot on healing modifiers and throughput cos they lack damage reduc cds. Is a monk thing, they good raid healers.
Yes, monk has 2 stuns and parry on top of that and they can dodge my colossus smash on top of that
My question was towards warrior.
Monk has exactly 1 stun. Leg Sweep, as fist of fury stun died in BFA Beta for some reason.
Anyways, stormbolt and shockwave both go through parry if you didn’t know.
What’s the second one?
I do love using disengage + flap on the rising dragon sweep though and getting 60 yards of distance.
Someone translate this to freedom units for me.
Yes I can and yes I will.
Oh that’s big great tip ty
That sounds dirty, I have been using it to clear terrian haymaker’s would normally get caught on to send people flying. It’s been rather nice.
You can haymaker during the knock up+slow fall?!?! Oh man, I bet that’s INSANE in BGs.
And I haven’t confirmed but I think that slow fall doesn’t stop until they technically land.
However, it’s been funny in my few arenas too. I could almost always punch a healer/caster to a wall then RoP them on said wall.
By the time that all ends with proper setup I have whirling dragon back up and then can restun for full duration.
It’s led to some dirty lockdowns doing double dps 2s
I need a video of this
Which part specifically?
I’d watch an entire 2s match, double DPS is really cool, but specifically this tech of WDP + Haymaker + ROP
I think if monks had more combos as a thing they do in arenas that’d be pretty cool