Stop asking for the Alliance to take dark turns or be the bad guys

Night Elves only fight Night Elves once they are corrupted by an external force like the Nightmare. That’s not exactly an internal conflict. The Grimtotem are part of the Horde (sometimes).

And Horde leaders don’t just disagree with each other when the Horde has become a threat to itself. Vol’jin and Cairne both spoke out against Garrosh’s appointment to Warchief long before he went on a rampage. Sylvanas flat out says she wouddn’t follow a troll when Vol’jin became Warchief. Baine spoke out against Sylvanas’ plan to use Jaina’s brother because he felt it was immoral, not because he thought it was a threat to the Horde. The burning of Teldrassil had a deep impact on Saurfang, so I don’t understand how anyone can suggest there isn’t internal tension there.

The Alliance just doesn’t have the same level of internal conflict. Jaina rage quit when she couldn’t convince everyone to attack the Horde in the middle of a Legion invasion and then popped back later and everything was fine. The most we got now is Tyrande getting pissed and Genn shaking his head “Oh Anduin, I am disappoint. We owe the Night Elves.” We’ll see if that goes anywhere or if that was the extent of it.


But that is what I want to see.

I want to see Tyrande get her hands a little dirty. I want to see her lose her damn temper and lash out at her new Horde allies, maybe killing a few. She certainly has the power to take them all on.

I want to see her say “You know what Anduin, screw you, I did what I had to do, you are no king fork off!”

I want to see the Alliance implode, and I want to see them scrape their way back to what they once were. Fighting for every inch of the moral high ground they once held.

'Cause I am tired, tired of only the Horde having some big internal strife that seems to be able to only be handled with a civil war or a rebellion. I am tired of the revolving door of Warchiefs.

Put the Horde’s story on the back burner for a few expacs, give the Alliance some problems to deal with. I’m ok with that.


Let me put it a way you would understand.

I bet the Horde gets there first. They have been saying we are going to be able to fire the giant cannon.

I want to wipe Stormwind off the map.

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Tyrande throws a severed orc head into the Well of Purity.
Tyrande Whisperwind says: With this offering, I demand to wear your darkest face. Elune! Make me the instrument of your vengeance!

It’s not like she doesn’t have the setup to go a little overboard.

Exactly, it’s all there. Hand of Vengeance.

The goblin canon is more likely to blow up in Horde’s own face.
But you are welcome to try.
I will just add it to the other list of atrocities the Horde commits.

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You make lists while Horde destroys cities.

How heroic…

Nothing we can do.
The Horde cannot be stopped because to do so would be unethical according to you and Blizzard.


We need to see the cost to Anduin. He’s the one that needs to struggle with his failures. If he never confronts it, it’s not conflict. It’s not drama. It’s just a statistic.


Use your imagination and come up with an idea that doesn’t involve mass murder or slavery, and we can talk.

Just 'cause we do it, doesn’t mean you guys have to.

Why stoop to our level?

Maybe it needs to cost him his crown.

He’s proven to be a less than ideal leader.

Maybe he can earn it back.

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Thats impossible.

Alliance tried several times and each time they got attacked again.

Because that’s what Horde does. All the time.

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That’d work.

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Just to take out one Horde soldier!?! If the Alliance did this it would be just as bad as Ner’zhul and much more petty and if the Alliance repeated this on every single planet outside of Azeroth that held a single Horde soldier it would lose any claim to superior morality it has!

When was this, exactly? When the Orcs tried to live their lives in Kalimdor and Daelin launched a transcontinental crusade to exterminate them?

Or are you referring to the Cata era, when the Nelves employed a trade embargo to starve them out of the wasteland that Daelin left them with?

Or are we referring to the most recent war, which we’re all supposed to pretend has nothing to do with an overt assassination attempt against the Warchief?

Seriously. Point to the exact moment on the timeline when the benevolent Alliance tried to live in peace and harmony with the Horde, only to be deviously betrayed by them.


Thats what we did with Legion. What is the difference?

Found the Horde posters.

Daelin was absolutely right. Jaina WAS naive and she paid for it with the destruction of Theramore.
Jaina did not need to abandon him and her actual people to give peace with the Horde a chance. I grave mistake on her part.

After the Horde and Sylvanas orchestrated Wrathgate the Horde was not owed any trade. This is the Horde evil barbaric mentality of “I want something so I take it”.

Sylvanas and the Horde betrayed the Alliance by abandoning Varian to the Legion at the Broken shore and what’s more according to Genn’s intel Sylvanas tried to use the war to her advantage and attack the Valkyr in Stormheim

Every single one you mentioned.
Except you reframed it from the Horde’s demented view.
Clearly there can never peace between the civilized faction and the savage one.


Vol’jin didn’t actually do anything against Garrosh until Garrosh tried to have him assassinated, before then he didn’t actually do to challenge Garrosh being Warchief any more like Cairne did - and when Cairne did challenge Garrosh he died so Baine would the silently let Garrosh do as he wanted.

Vol’jin and Sylvanas had no interaction at all during Vol’jin’s reign until he appointed her Warchief.

And Saurfang has never spoken about the burning of Teldrassil in a way that wasn’t about how it was negative for the Horde. I do think Saurfang feels guilt for the Night Elves. But all he ever talks about is how Sylvanas ruined the Horde. That was Baine’s issue with Derek as well, that it would taint the Horde. And Baine has never mentioned Teldrassil at all.

And after Cairne challenges Garrosh because Cairne wanted to stop Garrosh from leading the Horde down a path of invasion and conquest, what cost does Garrosh have to pay after Cairne’s death? Baine just lets Garrosh go on to do exactly what his father died trying to prevent.


Hear, hear!