It doesn’t matter what the requirements are…retail people WILL meet them just to be able to vote and screw everyone over just like before
That much is true…many people in favor of Classic+ prefer Classic over retail, but it’s not quite to their standards as to what their “perfect” version of WoW is, so they feel that Classic+ is the best option to have their cake and eat it too.
The irony in that statement, is that the choices and game design decisions Blizzard made in that regard, were brought about by the players who asked/complained/whined/raged to get what they wanted. This is literally a REAL case of “You think you do, but you don’t”. It wasn’t Blizzard that caused WoW’s decline in popularity…it was ultimately US. Nobody here seems to realize this however, and in their hubris the “We know better now what the game needs” by those same players is laughable
Case in point right here…he gets it