yes it is terrible they can’t even think of original ways to engage in wPvP.
Its just more of blizzards rampant Alliance bias.
So…turning off war mode doesn’t solve this? I saw zero red named people in the Maw.
I mean, it’s just Alliance collecting their weekly reward for being the downtrodden, outnumbered resistance dogpiling individual players. As per the norm. You can turn off war mode and it goes away.
The real issue atm is how BUGGY Stygia loss is in pvp. I’ve had two cases now where I lost 400+ Stygia while getting ganked on the way to the waygate. And there’s no getting that back when your corpse is being guarded by 30+ players.
Horde players are to entitled to turn off WM its why they so mad atm.
The whole not use to getting camped thing
Nice generalizations.
You could just turn off warmode and you’ll never have to worry about getting ganked again
yes it is. do you have WM on?
Right back at ya
some people just rolled on pvp servers because that’s where the guild they wanted to raid with was located. i did a few years back.
of course many of those servers were dominated by one faction and were basically pve servers anyway. and most of us in that position had the good sense not to whine about the little pvp that actually occurred there.
So, since Horde are constantly outnumbered on my shard, when do I get my Against Underwhelming Odds quest?
It’s true, only Alliance has the ability to form groups.
Nice job, Blizzard.
Ancient Alliance secret.
Have you tried with the Horde on my shard? They can’t do it.
I genuinely hate the Alliance, like I would hate them IRL
I know, Horde literally lack the ability to form groups.
Almost as insane as one guild I knew back in Classic. Seriously. Drop your flag, go to Orgrimmar. Reflag. No sympathy for PVPers when I consider the damage they’ve done to the game and community with their crying over the years.
Feels like it.
And that’s the Alliance’s fault?
It should, it’s true!