Stoopzz has quit WoW

So it’s fine for Blizzard to squeeze players for more money, but streamers who find the game boring should continue to stream it and avoid earning a living? I’m not sure how that works.

Of course not, since you have apparently been avoiding info on PvP. But he was a very reasonable and upbeat player, and very knowledgeable about PvP.

I never watch streams. But last video of his I heard him talking about the difficulty in getting into PvP groups, since they took so long to form. Spending hours unable to play while waiting for a group to fill that plays for 15 minutes is a problem.


Didn’t a streamer switch recently to ffxiv and they literally ran out of server space days later? Kinda proves it


Streamer had moved on while its whiny babies are left throwing temper tantrums without their mom to shut them up.


And that same streamer struggles to get even a 1/3 the viewers he did that first day. What you want to bet that 90% of those that bought the game have, or will soon, stop playing.

Clearly it made a difference, but keep thinking streamers don’t make a difference if you want


So the same as shadowlands? LOL.


Ya, basically. Its how MMOs work. They launch, or there is a new expansion? People buy it, play it for a couple months, then move on until next expansion.

Literally just look at WoWs playerbase charts since inception. Its how its always worked.

I don’t really care for Stoopz or most streamers but you live in the stone age if you think they have no marketing impact.


Wow funny how people who never heard of stoopzz assume he was just a pvp streamer. He was actually a huge voice in promoting pvp to the masses and helping people who didn’t know much get into it with tips and such.

He wasn’t a controversial streamer, he was just a helpful guy who was very positive and talked about the things he loved.

Having streamers who have built there career on WoW alone quit is a still a big deal. It’s way easier for them to just keep playing and talk positive through it like others. He risks his whole channel and livilyhood to quit but the game is in such a bad state that even he doesn’t want to give it a chance.

I quit months ago so his opinion didn’t really effect me but to say it doesn’t matter is just weak. Games in a horrible state accept it or just stay dumb.


Deniers will always deny the truth.


I didn’t say he was but his fans sure are why else bring it up on the forums.

Maybe play a game designed for pvp???

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Been a long time PVPer, only thing I enjoy about wow. But running into constant boosters and player power locked behind progression systems has be ready to quite.


I don’t deny that he quit WoW. That is what OP said or are you saying it’s false?

game being trash does


Couldn’t care less about stoopzz, but seems like the obvious thing to do if you don’t enjoy playing a game. I recommend everyone walk away if they’re not having fun. What’s more concerning than some guy quitting is how many people are seemingly sticking around, banging their head up against the wall and then yelling at Blizzard for their headache they inflicted upon themselves. Maybe they’ve banged their head up against the wall too many times to have any brain cells left, but you know, here we are.


Ya blizzard does that on there own it’s not our fault the games hot garbage


GD while sitting in a burning house fire, “This is fine, everything’s fine”


Or, maybe

just maybe there are still things they do enjoy about the game keeping them playing (because to most adults, a sub is nothing) while also acknowledging how many areas could be improved so they enjoy it even more

rather than just upping and leaving and never being able to enjoy any of it


What’s a Stoopzz and why should people care?