Stonetalon NPC not selling recipe

I am leveling up my enchanting in classic fresh and wowhead tells me I need to purchase a recipe called “Formula: Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility” to progress. I am at enchanting 110 which is when I would need to learn the recipe.

Wowhead and wowpedia both show that the recipe is sold by an NPC called Kulwia (for Horde) in Stonetalon Mountains, however I am standing at the NPC looking at its shop and the recipe is not there. Is this a bug? Or maybe i’m missing something?

Somebody probably bought it (to re-sell on the AH).
You could try layer-hopping until you find a layer with the recipe in-stock.

are you sure its there in this phase?

vendor has 1 on hand on a CD.

Likely someone already purchased before you, but this is not the only path to 300 enchanting.

Utilise a different pattern and proceed to the next mark.

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