I think you’re doing that wrong
But but but, it not being in the game helps facilitate social interactions, because with smaller bags you have to run back to vendors more and you might pass some random people…
Thanks for agreeing with me.
Made a statement and wasn’t arguing that.
So the TBC bag may have been released early.
We agreed that inconsistency is happening.
Nothing wrong with asking about it but don’t get twisted if they get this item accurate and release it with ICC per the original patch notes.
If they release it earlier cool. If not, support your local tailor while waiting.
It’s unfortunate because I planned to buy some of these and they are still MIA. A comment from Blizzard would be nice, but as usual, they leave us in the dark. They can’t be bothered to press buttons on their keyboard for their own forum with their paying customers.
Yeah, really interesting.
Yes, it was.
In the game, not to their decisions.
Again, it takes nothing and could easily be added to the game. I hope it is just an oversight, just like the scourge invasion still happening across azeroth.
Simple act that cost nothing to them.
stepchild server problems
daddy blizz is a absent parent
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