Welcome to all of our new members! Still in highest need of warlocks and warriors, recruiting all classes otherwise.
Hey everyone we still need class officers for Rogue,Mage,Lock,Druid, and Priest! Recruiting all classes as well, especially locks.
Bump. Raid day changes may* be in the near future, 9 PM Pacific start to stay the same.
Raid times are perfect!
I’m maining tank but plan to have DPS spec if you needed.
Good to hear! We have the main tank position filled but are looking for a secondary tank, along with DPS warriors willing step up and sword and board during fights with many adds or if the tank dies and the fight starts going haywire. Please join the discord and we can get you situated! We will of course be running dungeons while leveling up and gearing for Pre-Bis and will be in high demand for tanks during those initial phases as well.
We are still recruiting all classes, warlocks, priests, resto shamans, and warriors are in higher demand than the rest.
There are still open positions available. If the raid times fit your schedule, we welcome you.
Why not DKP?
EPGP is a very biased system, and mini loot council usually just means “loot council”.
Do we have information about the servers? How many pvp servers? The best pvp server for horde? If so, what server are the guild going into? I’m willing to roll a holy priest and join your guild.
What makes EGPG more biased than DKP in your opinion?
As for the mini-loot council, highly sought after items (mostly weapons) will be exempt from the EGPG system and loot counciled instead. This is to prevent a hypothetical, poorly performing, new to the guild warrior from winning ashkandi over a dedicated, core raider, well performing warrior who just happened to recieve a minor upgrade and has a temporarily lower EP:GP ratio than the new warrior. Receiving the weapon would still significantly raise that core warriors GP, and he certainly wouldn’t get LC’d gear for a few weeks if not months.
Additionally, we will have a tier list of priority on loot. For example tanks will get band of accuria first, no questions asked. For something like core hound tooth, the tier list would look like this.
- Core Rogues
- Core Warriors
- Core Hunters
- PvP/OS
This is to prevent a hunter with a high EP:GP ratio from winning core hound tooth (BiS dagger) over a rogue. It is obviously a more important upgrade for the rogue than it is for a hunter to use as a stat stick, even though it is technically BiS for Phase 1-2 for both hunters and rogues.
For more inforamtion on the ins and outs of EGPG, please join our discord and check the #GuildLootSystem tab. It basically rewards attendance (90%) donating consumables to the guild (5%) and performance (5%).
Hello Bomaye, we would love to welcome you as a holy priest member!
We have no information on the names of servers or how many there will be, or the ratio of PvP:PvE. We plan on picking our server by August 13th for name reservations.
We will be on a server that:
- Has a datacenter that is west coast (usually LA). Most of our members are west coast and will benefit from low pings.
- Is a PvP server, we will try our best to research out a server with a good horde:alliance balance
- Is a non asmongold/sodapoppin server. Smaller streamers like swifty or tips do not concern us so much.
We are still recruiting all classes, except certain DPS hybrids (enhance shaman + nightfall is filled and SP is filled.) Need is highest for DPS warriors and warlocks, but we have a pretty balanced group so far. Some leadership positions still need to be filled. We need a committed and experienced second main tank. Our raid leader will be the other main tank.
Raid Leader + Main Tank: Filled
Second Main Tank: Open
Hunter Class Leader: Filled
Warrior Class Leader: Filled
Mage Class Leader: Open
Warlock Class Leader: Open
Shaman Class Leader: Filled
Rogue Class Leader: Open
Priest Class Leader: Filled
Druid Class Leader: Open
This is some OG prime recruitment strategy, right here. I commend you.
I would love to join you guys i plan on playing warlock.
Awesome! Please use the discord invite at the bottom of the original post to join our guilds discord server, or friend request one of the 4 officers listed. For an instant invite, just directly join the server or contact Blackmushroom#6325 (that’s me!)
Damn, why you guys gotta be horde! Pretty much looking for the same thing but alliance lol.
Here you answered it yourself, it’s based on your perception of who is worthy:
I generally don’t like when who gets what is decided on by “big government”. I hope you understand.
Right, but the part of the post you quoted has nothing to do with the EG:PG aspect of our loot system, but the loot council aspect. We are trying to find a balance between a fair loot system (Pure EGPG) and also rewarding performance and trying to seam out some of the randomness in loot distribution (Loot Council oversight).
This doesn’t make sense. EPGP isn’t based on perception at all. It’s a purely objective measure like any DKP system.
Great, organized group. Looking forward to Classic!
sent friend requests, still need discord info so I can join.
Can also add me SINR#1177
Bump! We have 73 members in discord and counting. All classes accepted as we have a pretty good spread at the moment, but especially interested in resto shamans and DPS warrior.
Some officership positions still need to be filled:
Warlock Class Lead
Mage Class Lead
Druid Class Lead
Second main tank (alongside our raid leader MT)
Hello everyone, as an update, we have a pretty solid core with a fairly balanced roster. We have changed our system from EGPG to Loot Council after discussion amongst the officers. We are eager to pick our realm coming up for August 12th. We are welcoming warlock, resto shaman, druid (healer and tank) and priest applicants with open arms, while still taking all other dedicated players!
Discord Link: UvbkTf2 (manually type in via the discord app)