*Still broken* [WARLOCK] - Pyroclasm delayed proc *Still broken*

Well it’s malfunctioning and not ejecting thwarted attacks from the queue.

Can you rephrase? I don’t understand what you mean.

Also, The proc seems to occur slightly before the damage is dealt which is odd, but a lot less breaking than a .5 second delay. Not 100% perfect, but will take whatever is closest . No other choice =/.


Mob cranks up lightning bolt
You sheep before LB casts
Poly successful (not resisted) BUT
sheeped mob shoots lightning bolt despite having been interrupted by the polymorph.

Another example:

You come at me; I FD, which should drop combat. Animation plays, I look dead, but you still attack me anyway.

This is because in both cases, the interrupted/broken attack is allowed to execute anyway AFTER your successful interrupt/cc/aggro break/escape

Ah ok, I didnt see you were replying to that other dudes comment so it seemed out of context from what I had posted lasted.

Anyways, Ya I understand what you are saying. I found a funny one in a LIL video the other day. Will upload now for you to see.

I think its displaying the mechanic(s) you are describing.

(Will edit w/ video link momentarily).

Something seems weird with the auto attack intim shout… https://youtu.be/WxWiFkpOel8?t=18s

Actually its not the same thing, but I it seems a bit odd to me.

does any dmg break intim shout?? it seems like im shouted and then get bit by the auto from before the intim shout… Donno, maybe is nothing.

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Bingo, it’s artificial batching and it’s garbage; thus far it does not play like “Vanilla” at all.


Pyroclasm is still a bit broken. Still has a delayed proc stun - (allowing opponents to get off an action or two before the stun proc occurs).

Is this stun delay due to batching?? If so, probably will never be fixed… I dont expect any response, but just posting here for proof if anyone ever decides to do some work on bugs and stuff :).

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The guy that started that cry literally quit a month in

ya, he probably didn’t enjoy the bad batching implementation >_<. Not that i do either ofc.

Bump for Op.

Another video displaying the bad delay on stun proc.


— wont let me update OP with video linked here.

I have a video showing the exact same delay on Pyroclasm in TBC but I’m wary of posting it because the song has swearing and it’s rather easy to be sent on vacation on these forums.

If it was batched in TBC, it was batched in Vanilla.

kind of dumb though isnt it??? The warrior here could get off a life giving gem in the proc delay time.

https:// streamable. com/n6niy2

Yes, Vanilla Spell batching is very dumb. It should never have been brought back. Blizzard should “err on the side of fun” and implement their batching from Retail ASAP.

bump cause why not :slight_smile: .

Still broken - plz fix . ty <3 .