While I can understand this, its kind of flawed. People choose to be on pvp realms or flag for pvp. They can play on a pve realm to avoid things they are afraid of. PvP should be a scary world and unpredictable.
Well… I’m afraid you started playing the wrong game over a decade ago because “scary” and “unpredictable” have nothing to do with WoW PvP, whether it is wPvP, BGs, or Arena.
Some people just prefer undead honestly, it’s the main race I play. Not everyone has some agenda when class creating.
I listed 13 changes so far in classic, and those weren’t all of them either…
I think it does, as myself and others use this information we didn’t have before to participate in WPvP in a completely different manner. Hunters pre-drop flares and traps now to get ready for a rogue they never knew about. Mages group together for AoE spam if they suspect a rogue is going to gank them. They also pre-shield their character, as do I with this information, so that the rogue can’t get opening damage on them.
'Cause no one used it.
I can’t believe the amount of people supporting this cheating addon!!!
For those who don’t have this addon are at a huge disadvantage, because they are notified when someone is around them when they use an ability. Blizzard does need to break this addon because it’s simply CHEATING. I don’t give a F if a person can create a macro to see when someone stealths around you… because 90% of the playerbase will not go out of their way to do it. Addons are easy to download and then it is on your game client.
You know what? I am going to download this addon so I am not at a disadvantage. I normally don’t cheat in a video game… but seeing 600,000+ downloads on curse for this addon is complete B.S.
Enjoy being spotted when you stealth around me rogues… I am against this pos addon but you are just at a disadvantage without it.
Blizzard please break this addon.
I don’t consider it cheating, but I do agree it’s a very powerful addon for healers like myself, hunters, mages, etc.
Powerful for everyone, but other classes benefit more than others.
Provide to me evidence that the 2004-2006 version did the same thing as the 2019 version. Including but not limited to the stealth bells and alerts that we have now. Provide evidence that stealth was detected potentially a thousands of yards away back in 2004-2006 and data shared amongst accounts.
Less than 1% of the classic population used the similar-type addon. And it was different (see above).
It obviously didn’t get much attention from blizzard because hardly anybody used it and blizzard was super busy focusing on other things at the time, like making the servers playable, class balance, and rolling out new content.
You just said it’s “powerful” for everyone.
Sure it’s powerful for who has it…
If a person doesn’t have it then they are at a disadvantage in open world pvp combat.
I’m a freakin warrior and even I agree this is really not in the spirit of Vanilla and should be removed.
You’re confusing the argument brother.
I’m not saying it is against the TOS. Did I ever say that in my original or subsequent posts?
I am saying that stealth needs to be removed from the combat log because it was an oversight by blizzard that is being abused by modern - day technology.
Imagine some exploit being found in the game that was being abused constantly. Would you defend it just because it was in the game back in vanilla (even though less than a fraction of 1% ever used it)? Especially when modern day technology allows you to take maximum advantage of said exploit?
No. It is only because it mainly affects one class - rogues - that people are so ardently against removing stealth from the combat log and restoring its intended game function. Pathetic.
I just said I’m agreeing with you, simply that I don’t think it’s cheating. I’ve been saying this is too strong for an automated addon for 4 days now.
Exactly. It totally and completely goes against the class of the rogue and the spirit of vanilla. Trust me, the blizzard devs - when creating the rogue class - didn’t envision people using technology that alerted them with a loud buzzer hundreds of yards away every time a rogue used his or her core ability, stealth, which was designed to be sneaky and subtle. No way they intended or foresaw that.
Just stay in stealth 100% of the time, problem solved!
Yeah, I’m sure they love walking everywhere when it already takes so long to level with normal run speed. Then add that in when they can’t stealth while mounted. People love that solution, I’m sure.
so then by your own logic people that read the combat log are cheaters then? good luck with that narritive
first off speak your yourself not other you might not but others will but secondly the macro exist proves that reading the combat log is a thing and that good amount of people did it before using spy since thats what spy does it fills the place of the macro.
your not really at a disadvantage without it and its not cheating despite your repeated attempts to label it as such.
you only see when i click the button but i will enjoy having you run smack dab into me because your more focused on the addon than your surroundings
No, it doesn’t. You are wrong.
It provides supremely greater advantages than that was available at the time to 99+% of the playerbase in vanilla. It was practically non-existent in 2004-2006. As was mentioned above, if there is a 40-person raid and everyone is using the combat log, it is not humanly possibly to determine what 40 players you are about to fight in a short time window.
With spy you know EXACTLY which 40 players you are up against, instantly. Did you know anyone who would sit there for an hour with a pen and paper writing down each class that used an ability to find out how many people and which classes before engaging in PvP? Also, how would one be able to gather what level those players are, and simultaneously their coordinates regarding each player spotted? And to create a /target macro for each player spotted? Because spy does all of these things.
Get real bro.
You have a macro that reads your combat log for you? Lemme see!
I HEAVILY disagree, even the people defending this addon tell you that you’re at a disadvantage in WPvP without it.
Focused on the addon? You don’t even need to look at the addon, it’s automated.
Do you even use it?
You’re ignorant. As was stated above, the addon literally requireds 0 focus. It is the most brain-dead addon.
Also, if you don’t use it, you are SEVERELY crippled. Get out of here with your trolling.
It objectively does.
The information Spy displays to the player is already available via the combat log. It simply presents it in a way that is easier to read.
Accept reality.
An addon that’s made for PvE that gives you an advantage against a boss is not the same as an addon that gives you an advantage against a player. Sorry to burst your bubble you’re so keen on protecting.
no i said spy takes the place of the macro the old school pvp had a bunch of macros and played with a detached combat log. i’m
not forking over my targeting macro to you because thats how it works your play with a detached combat log and after you set it to show the right info when you see it twitch you spam the targeting macro.
as a rogue have the only difference i have seen is that the players using it are more twitchy when they get the ping but guess what you can wait that out at least as a rogue furthermore all this " advantage" can be achieved by playing with a detached combat log and a macro.
yea i do use it and a have also seen my future ganks get the ping panic focus on the addon instead of keeping their head on the swivel and ran right to me because they thought that the addon would keep them safe.