<Stay Mad> 3/8M 2 Night

do you even raid bro? apply now.

Mythic prog begins on Tuesday

Heroic cleared, onto mythic. Saddle up with the champs. Apply now.

Headed to mythic grong, still recruiting all talented players ESPECIALLY a talented resto shaman. Apply now.

resto shaman, ele shaman, shadow priest. APPLY NOW. currently 2/9M going 3/9 next week.

bump it up, still need resto and ele shaman + shadow priest.

Carbon copy of the above, apply now. Going on 4/9M

to the top. currently working on opulence phase 2. conclave is next!

Looking for any solid dps

Looking for dps/heals!!

bump for the ages

str8 2 da top. LF talented DPS/healers.

bump up. still looking for geared/talented dps/heals.

Looking for dps/heals

to the top. conclave is going down this week then on to DA KING.

daily bump.

bumperino cappuchino

conclave down 5/9m , we’re pretty much the greatest and we’re pretty sweet and lit and handsome and sweet so yeah

bump of the day keeps the angry wade away

Mekkatorque phase 2, apply now.