Stay Classy and pre-patch


I recently dinged 70 on the last toon I needed for the Stay Classy achievement but did not get the achievement nor the reward (8th guild bank tab). Looking into this, I’ve realized that I did not receive credit for any of the toons I leveled to 70 after the latest patch. I created a ticket and was told by a GM that this is working as intended as the pre-patch considers the max level to be 80 and not 70 now, and to get the achievement, I will have to level those toons to 80 (plus the ones prior to the patch in that same race) once the expansion is launched.

Well, I won’t be doing that. I’m a small, one person guild that’s existed since BC. I have worked a long time leveling character by myself to get this achievement and in the last few months, spent a lot of money ($500 buying level 70 boosts on top of monthly fees for 5 WoW accounts). If Blizzard cannot grant me the achievement I worked and paid for, I will be ending my 15+ years affair with World of Warcraft (look at my account, I’ve never made a “rage quit” post). I realize y’all say this is working as intended, but from the players perspective, the level cap is still 70; if that’s as high as we can go RIGHT NOW, then that’s the max level for us.

Please make this right Blizzard. I may not raid anymore, or do any of the social things WoW has to offer, but there are still aspects to this game I like. I don’t want to give it up, but I also won’t continue to patronize something that cheats me out of money.

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This is for Classic-Cataclysm?

I’m afraid there really is nothing a GM can do, they really can’t just grant achievements. If you would like to see a change, that would have to come from development.

Sorry this not work out the way you intended though, good luck in what every you decide to do.

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No, for Retail. The GM said they couldn’t do anything and that’s why I’m here; one to see if there is someone who can fix this and two, to let other players know.

Theres nothing that can be done on this perticular forum you want general or in game suggestio. No dev will ever see this.

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Thank you.

The prepatch is not out yet then. It should still be 70. But there are a lot of requirements in this one.

You could put in a bug report though, there is no one that can really change this. This is more of a forum to help navigate the help system, GM staff can not change how the game works.

By my quick check, it appears you only need a priest and warrior N-Elf.

According to the in-game response I got from a GM:

After digging into the issue further, it was found that since 10.2.7, the max level is now considered level 80 for the guild achievements. In this case, your guild will need to wait until The War Within launches and the level cap raised to progress with the achievement further. Hopefully this clarifies the question you’ve had!

And there’s this article:

Good to know.

But that was a development change then, and unfortunately nothing that can be pushed through by GM staff.

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And I didn’t get credit for 7 Pandaren toons (Rogue, Mage, Priest, Warrior, Death Knight, Hunter and Warlock)

That’s 22 toons I’ll have to level from 70 to 80 when the new expansion launches. 10 that I’ve yet to receive credit for and 12 that I did get credit for but will go away once the expansion launches because you have to receive the whole class for it to ding. I’m not going through all that again.

Just to be clear, because I haven’t seen it brought up and I feel there’s something being missed here:

Kozzae doesn’t work for Blizzard, they’re just another player. They have no power over the system, or what can or can’t be done. They just offer what they know in regard and nothing more sadly.

The armory is not showing, but I think there is a reputation requirement also.

Work up those reputations I guess.

if the support article alligns then that would be different.

If it’s not in Blue text, it’s just another player, I hoped that was common knowledge.

In my personal experience, none of the guild achievements are triggering right now when one of the relevant classes and/or races reaches level 70, despite being exalted with their guild. My most recent level 70 (on Live) did NOT trigger any achievement progress.

So it does seem like the pre-patch level requirements have already kicked in to the game.

Yes, they have to be honored with the guild which all these toons are (or higher).

I am confused as to why no guild achievements are working at all, and haven’t been since the beginning of the patch.

I also came to these forums to try to figure out any news about the Stay Classy achievement in particular, but I thought that the other ones would have been fixed by now, if classy is indeed 80 and not a bug.

The confusing part to me is that some ticket responses say its a bug and others say its intended. I’m super disappointed that all the quests I’ve been doing are not counting, and have a ton of greens building up to disenchant, but there has been no word about if guild achievements will be fixed.

One person got a response about their legendary not triggering the guild achievement and the response being like “We don’t have any reports of guild achievements being bugged” or something along those lines and well… there are a ton of reports so idk what to even think at this point.

If that’s true, then it was a hidden / unannounced change, as it’s not listed in the patch notes for 10.2.7, in any way / shape / form:

And IMO, Season 4 of Dragonflight - which still has DF-specific content - should not count as “pre-patch” for the next expansion. “Pre-patch” is a very specific thing in Blizzard’s lexicon - so if they’re going to all of the sudden claim that any random patch can be “pre-patch” without including it in the notes or saying anything, then they’re basically cheating us out of game time for which we’ve paid…


that is a bs response. we spend time in this game to relax. BLIZZARD is developing new ways to force our activity in this game so they make money. BLIZZARD is preventing enjoyment. I think its time to find a new game.

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one again we get the big f* you from blizzard… thanks for wasting my time as well, spent all that time in Remix grinding all those classes I hate to play… FML

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I did the same thing with my small guild, as we all made alts… This is certainly the wrong thing to do on their end for sure… They should have been very clear and transparent on the changes involving achievements in patch notes. They need to fix this for all people!

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It’s very frustrating (even if in somewhat plain sight though small print in easily missed patch notes) with the time people spend trying to meet criteria. Why is DF content prepatch?