Status of battlegrounds lvl 110

I was making alts for alive, including playing bgs on lover levels. Today I try bg (Warsong) at lvl110, the highest lvl I have. (I did not buy last extension)
We had a pally who one-two shot everyone. I left the game when we had kills 33 to 2. No one was even trying to “score”, just simple massacre.
Is this how bg works now?

Get more gear

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Sure if you have max gear. I do assaults at the moment killin 120s but hey might see u in bg near you. :wink:

I wish this was still possible without scaling. Outplaying 80s in wrath with a 70 twink was fun.


This toon was a 69 twink and had some fun out in the world :smiley:

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110 is currently the worst bracket in terms of gear disparity. The only people that spend time gearing at that level are legion locked, so anyone new or passing through the bracket is at a massive disadvantage. Add in the fact people are gearing BFA items then transferring toons to legion locked accounts…Not even 120 is this bad, we got the good ole ketchup systems to counter.

One could argue for or against twinks
Depending how competitive you were brought up

Your comment however is disingenuous at best and hurts your point of view with hyperbole

You’re legion locked. Your opinions about max level pvp are beyond meaningless. Troll.

says the player with ZERO kills lol

Max level pvp is trash.
Literally do M+ then roll people.

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