Stat order for PvP?

Is it Vers/Haste or Vers/Mastery? I looked up vers/haste but wasn’t 100% sure what I should go for. Strictly PvP that is.

Verse/haste and arguably verse/crit for venthyr

So for venthyr should I go crit instead of haste then? Or what?

Yes possibly crit/verse with exploiter.

What is exploiter?


I can’t get that from raid finder can I?

Yes you can, but Battlelord is looking really good with the upcoming patch.

And if I use Unhinged would I go with vers/haste? And I assume exploiter is better for PvP?

Unhinged is currently best for PvP with Exploiter being subjectively better for Venthyr. However, most players will swap out Legendaries based-off what they’re fighting, e.g. switching to Misshapen Mirror against caster cleaves.

As far as stats, the popular choice is Vers/Haste since it increases rage generation, lowers the gcd, and lowers the cooldown on Mortal Strike. Since, Mortal Strike for most is the only attack worth using outside of Execute windows, as well as fishing for Mortal Combo procs. Crit is a good alternative to Haste if it’s unavailable or more prefered.

Some things I’ve looked at said Haste till 20% then crit for PvP.

Versatility > Haste until 20% > Critical Strike > Mastery > Haste

Haste/Vers or you can try a Crit/Vers with the exploiter legendary, which I’m doing.

Thoughts on it? Ven feels kinda trash below 15% rage imo, just raged starve entire game

The reason for crit vers as venthyr is the condemn crits will refund more rage I believe.

I don’t think so. Pretty sure that only applies to auto attacks


Im starting to wonder with the exploiter change if venthyr wants to go crit.

The reason being that with exploiter its more about setups and big damage windows.

Might have to test it