Starting pulls in M+ as Resto Shaman

Sounds like you’re trying to do too much. I just drop cloudburst totem, and healing rain amd heal as needed in between chain lightning spamming (and using whatever offensive CDs might be up, cap totem/stormwhatever).

The title is the subject? The question was in the post? Idk what else to say…

Yes. The question in the post is what I answered.

That having a 6-10 ability rigid rotation is too much, and hampers one’s ability. That using abilities that arent that good (such as EWT in m+), will also make things tough.

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This clearly shows that you DONT get it. And I think I’m done with trying to reason with you about it. Hope you have a good weekend.

Your first reply to me was this

You were never here to “reason” with me.

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Yes because anything said after the first thing is irrelevant. Shame on me. Take care.

When someone asks for advice on how to change their play, they are saying “I am playing wrong”. because they are stating “how i am playing, it is not working. what should I change”

I gave advice on not to over think it. Dont take talents that dont really help the situation. Dont go in with a mindset of having a rigid 8 button opening rotation on pulls. That adds to having things not work out.

You cherry picked a few things, and pretended like I was saying what the OP is talking about doesnt exist.

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I start most pulls with chain lightning, unless there is something else that needs to happen first.


I don’t pug so I’m used a tank that is able to handle themselves and hardly ever needs any healing or defensive externals from me.

Just wanted to support your answers : your advices are the one useable with success in M+ pushing. Unfortunatly, lots of people only stay at low level keys and think their “experience” is accountable.

Except that I never once said Akston was wrong about anything. I did/would do the same exact things he was explaining. But that wasn’t what was being asked. He (OP) wants to play his way, which seems like he’s doing quite well with it, at the time of posting he is 1900 score in M+. I’m sure he’s having a great time seeing how far that play style can take him. Would I ever play that way? No. Not everyone has to do the correct thing though. Im sure theres tons of youtube guides the OP has watched or could watch that says exactly what Akston was saying. But not what the OP was looking for.

Tell your tanks to use their defensives.

Warriors should start the fight with shield charge to get shield block going right off the bat, then immediately pop ignore pain.

DK’s have dancing rune weapon which is a strong defensive that lets them heal for double the amount.

Druids have talents to reduce Barkskin’s CD down to 32 seconds.

I don’t know the other tanks because I don’t play them.

Tanks can lead into fights with defensives already in place. The problem is that people seem to like holding onto them “just in case”. They could go 5-10 mins without using them at all when they otherwise could have used them multiple times by now.

Tell your tanks to start fights with defensives rather than trying to get aggro. Aggro comes so easily now a days that we really don’t need to worry about it outside of the first AoE. Defensives first. Stay alive then work on damage.


So I have made it up to 7s in M+ now and have talented out of the physical dmg reduction totem because it did feel like too much prep. I am largely just dropping Cloudburst and have a NS heal ready to go at the start of most pulls. I just have my hotkeys set up so that a key is for healing and shift-key is for NS+healing. I make sure riptide and earth shield is on the tank at all times. What I have found is that the early M+ tanks just tend to not know how to use their defensives (like the post before just mentioned) and so they tended to get ambitious and just fall over. Sometimes early in a fight, since I get close to the tank, I will drop the `communism’ totem just to make sure it gets some use and gives everyone time to set up.

I still very much like the play of being able to use my GW to run up to the start of fights and to cast healing rain around myself and the tank. I am finding that it feels better to be as close to the tank as possible so we can both have the healing rain benefits and spirit link if needed.


While there is nothing wrong with this at all, the primary use of healing rain is actually the dps with acid rain.

More implying that while its great to stand in it, dont let that blindly lead you to running in close when you dont need to. The healing is negligible, but the free damage is +++.

This is more one of those things really useful for specific dungeons, just not always. Dungeons with bleeds, this will be great on.

This is a great way to go. Always drop that totem. Get that crit buff, and have NS ready if needed.

When I am in auto pilot, I just use it on healing rain. but it is most efficient with chain heal.

absolutely true. tanks should be fairly self sufficient. outside of a dk low on runic power, most should be able to survive fairly well. most heals should just about be on dps, rather the tank.

I often do this on special huge pulls.

I usually use Capacitor early in a pull, but make sure that the tank has gathered mobs first so as many as possible are stunned. Obviously I keep Earth Shield up and throw out a Riptide, but in general if the tank wants to make a big pull, they need to have their defensives aligned to do so. If they are getting immediately chunked I will throw out a surges, but usually I don’t have to do that much.