Started Thread in Customer Service - Consider adding comments

There must be SOME way to get Blizzard to respond :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

There was an interview that Hazelnutty did with Ion where one question was answered in terms of pet battles, and it didn’t make me too hopeful:

Hazelnutty: Anything on the horizon in terms of pet battle content?

Ion: Nothing huge for Dragonflight itself. Though, as always, we’re going to have a whole new array of stuff to tame, and capture, [and] incorporate in your collections, and outdoor challenges. Something I’d love for us to do is to take a crack at improving pvp pet battles.I think there’s room for an alternate mode there. Something that’s a bit more asynchronous, like where you set up a defensive team. Like a lot mobile games do stuff like this effectively. Like you set up your defensive team, and then you can instantly challenge other peoples. Right now, part of the challenge is just the critical mass of trying to queue up and go through the motions and find enough people. Even if we incentivize it like with the weekly quest, or whatever, it’s still pretty tough, and if you try it for the first time you’re jumping into the very deep end of a very shark-filled pool. Whereas I think there could be something much more accessible and fun there. I’d love to see us do it, but other things are taking priority for Dragonflight launch.


Thanks for posting this. Sounds like Ion is at least acknowledging the pvp queue issues. NOT a fan of hearing “other things are taking priority”!!!

HOW hard can it be to fix the pvp queue?

As I’d suggested in another thread on pretty much this same topic, tell us how someone like you would fix it. It’s quite possible the reason Blizzard never seems to have done anything about it is that they haven’t found a solution that worked. How about hearing ideas from us?

I’ve thought about this a lot and admit I’ve never thought up a solution. Basic problem seems to be that there aren’t all that many folks into pet PvP, it’s not very welcoming to newbies, so no surprise that queues can take a long time to pop. If ever. Any attempt to match up players using some sort of criteria means narrowing the pools of possible opponents down even more.

Anybody have any suggestions?


This is exactly the thing you need to avoid if you want them to really listen. Keep in mind I doubt they will respond directly but that does not mean they have not noticed. They might not agree.

Maybe come up with ideas on how to fix the problem instead of saying how hard is it to fix. Remember your looking at one small piece in the puzzle and they look at everything and how one part effects the rest of the whole.

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The post from the CS forum was moved over here and the OP might not have noticed that.


I don’t think Customer Service is the place to urge in-game change. Mailing a letter to Anaheim won’t work either.

What is the action on Critter Week? Are you getting a lot or any matches on that week? Maybe better on Tuesday and Saturday? As I recall the reward for winning five is small and inadequate – I have an alt with a hexweave bag full of tokens and change to rare and boost to 25 and so on.

Yet, we players may have to come up with the solution. And that will be hard for us to do. I’d like Critter Week, for example, to have a theme like “only aquatic teams” maybe or “only level 1s” but I can hear the QQ from players already! Things that would balance the playing field. Also, an improved UI – I often feel that my opponent has some cool-down counter on my pets and beats me to the punch, fixing Addon Advantage would be a big step in the right direction.

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Thanks for pointing this out, it “took a minute” to figure that out.

Unfortunately they have acknowledged there’s an issue, though their perspective on what the issue is (new people not wanting to get into it after getting roflstomped by meta teams), versus what we see the issues are, (lack of people in the queue, separated battlegroups making queue times worse, no incentives for pet pvp, and so on), might be a little different.

I honestly wished Hazelnutty had gone into more questions for pet battles, but to be fair to her the content of her channel has moved away from pet stuff the last couple of years.

It had been my hope that getting people on the community council whose primary focus is pet battles would help get more eyes on the issue. However, most of the people who mention pets have to do with collecting, not battling, and the only person who brought up pet battles (Maizou) got no response by devs on the thread.

It feels like they are ghosting pet battles like they did archaeology, and it’s disappointing to say the least.

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While I agree with the “sense” of your comment, without clear information as to how the battle pet queue works across realms & servers, it is challenging to offer effective suggestions.

The need seems clear - a system with more players in a queue.

So? Less queues = more people in a queue. This is my admittedly very naive suggestion. It seems too simple, right? Yet I gotta ask, why not?

Thing is if pet battles are not a big priority for blizzard they will not end up doing a lot to get more people to do them.

Problem is how do you get more people to que for pet battles. That sounds like the big problem and honestly I do not know. I have not been playing wow that much for a while and even when I did I never had a big interest in pet battles.