Starstepper’s Cute Gnome Collection Party

Hey! Starstepper here. Has anyone seen any cute gnomes lately? My bougainvilleas are just coming into bloom and I’d like some help making sure they look splendid! I think that some adorable gnomes could really liven up the place. Please let me know!

Come with me, gnomes! I love you!!


I would but for some strange reason flower patches always seem to wither around me, I don’t know why.


can i be a cute gnome


You are so lovable!! That’s okay, I can also use some help with the composting bin! I like your face :slight_smile:

They will not let druids be gnomes because they hate beauty and joy!! You are still cute, though. Here are head pats. :raised_hand:

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Is there gonna be a punting contest?

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No, I keep the gnomes safe and protected and loved :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hear that, cute gnomies? You are safe with me! And you will get free food and cuddles :slight_smile:

Only if I can be a paladin… ._.


Ah the days when I used to eat Gnomes till Grumbles and Scruit stopped me.

Now I see Starstepper following in my footsteps :grin:

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This is a trap, gnomes! I was having a sleepover at Starstepper’s and was raiding the kitchen for a snack and I saw this “Gnomish Cookbook”. I was like, hmmm I’ve never really thought about gnome cuisine before and to my shock and horror I opened the book and it was all recipes with gnomes as the main ingredient!!


Shh, they don’t need to know that! Cutie gnomes, don’t mind the post above me :smiley:

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thanks for the heads up


My pleasure. You’d be much safer and have a better time at Fenny’s Spa for the Gnomish!

It’s a luxurious resort complete with exfoliating massages using a variety of herbs and spices, followed by a nice relaxing dip in our signature stainless steel 4 gallon hot tub!

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Eat all the gnomes. Except Wild and Grumbles. The rest…to the pot!


Sign me up, baby!

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If I find Scruit in the pot, you’ll end up there too! :angry:

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-1 Scruit from the pot.
+1 Dreadmoon substitute. Possibly too dead.


am i a cute gnome?

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Yes you are, ya perfect little cutie! I am stealing you :slight_smile:

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