Star Wars and WoW have the same problem

I’ve watched them multiple times. Hasn’t changed.

It’s ok to like something even if it has flaws.

Ok i wasnt saying that the prequels were bad or that its bad to like something with flaws…

Whatever, his story is explained from the beginning, i really recommend you to watch them again and pay close attention to him more than anything, how he acts, what changes, what he thinks, etc.

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Lucas has said he had to use droids to get the film rating low enough so that kids could go see it. He originally wanted people but it was too violent slicing them up

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I don’t know why the other poster is vehemently disagreeing with you because everything you’ve been saying as been correct regarding Anakin, his personality, and his fall to the Dark Side. You have stated multiple times that it started before Episode 3, which is 100% true. If killing all — ALL — of the Tusken raiders wasn’t a display of Anakin’s lack of emotional control and inability to reign in his hatred, I don’t know what is. And yes, time after time, his mistrust of and mistreatment by the Jedi Order — everything you’ve said is true. I’ve never liked Mace Windu because of how he treated Anakin. I still can’t believe he didn’t have Anakin come along to face Palpatine.


This honestly may speak ill of me but I could never work up much shock or anger at Anakin killing the Tusken Raiders. Outside of some EU material and now one episode of Mandalorian they never come across as anything other than brutal savages. And they kidnapped and beat his mother. Who then died in his arms. I challenge anyone not to have a rage snap at that point.

Was his total slaughter of the Tusken’s a big ol’ warning of serious emotional instability? Absolutely. A foreshadowing of things to come? Undoubtedly. But lacking the context of what happens in the Clone Wars - especially Ahsoka - the fall seems to happen very abruptly rather than the dealings with the Jedi Council (who are just a bunch of wankers) be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

And to be honest, when Obi-Wan intones that Darth Vader hunted down and destroyed the Jedi Knights, that does give the impression of him dueling and defeating the likes of Kit Fisto or Aayla Secura in single combat. Not slaughtering children. Leaves a bitter taste in the supposed redemption.

Apparently we aren’t allowed to have differing opinions in 2020.

It has nothing to do with disagreement, and everything to do with you ignoring facts.


The Tusken Raider thing had more to do with him killing the women and children as well. It’s meant to be seen as over the top and brutal. Is it understandable to an extent? I mean, I guess. But that is not what a Jedi would do. He completely lost control, which was kind of the point. I know it’s complete meme material, but slaughtering every one of them was a big deal.

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The game has been around for 15 years, lol, the writing is bound to have low points.

I mean, is it much of a surprise that he killed children?

The guy literally destroyed entire planets

Besides on the Raiders, more than the people he killed, i think it was more the fact of what he did, which was kill out of revenge and rage, including children and women which he ended up regretting since it betrayed the beliefs of the Jedi and started a lot of conflict within him

Also that he started to have distrust on the Jedi since they were partially responsible of Anakin mother dying, he even goes has far to blame Obi-Wan of holding him back.

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Well WoD and BFA were more than just low points…

Yes, they were low points, the game isn’t ending, the WoW apocalypse hasn’t taken place lol. As a consequence, Blizzard actually listened and is bringing a lot of interesting updates, and lore to Shadowlands. If you want a self fulfilling prophecy, then you will see what you want, Legion happened between the expansions you mentioned, which everyone loved. WOTLK is universally loved, and considered a classic of video game history. When a series gets long in the tooth, devs leave, new writers try to fill the gap, and it’s hit or miss. There isn’t a secret formula that makes a perfect expansion, because people are fickle, and interests in a population change over time.

It kinda literally happened in Cata

It’s this attitude here which makes me not take the Star Wars fandom seriously.

It’s a movie, get over it.

I was stating that the game hasn’t ended, quality waxes and wanes, because that is the nature of a long lived MMO. Especially one that is built with the notion of continuing a ‘living history’. It’s hard to keep coming up with stuff, especially right after a resounding success like WOTLK (for example) because of expectations. Having such a success is almost like a curse, because it becomes a measuring stick that everything else gets judged with. And gamers have a tendency, to deify such things.

I was just joking due to the theme of Cata ._.

It’s a movie trilogy in which you’re ignoring key plot points. That’s why I told the other person I don’t understand why you were so strongly arguing against something that is, in fact, true, if you paid any attention to the story.

Really, it’s attitudes like yours that make discussing anything related to SW exhausting and, well, boring.


For those people saying that she should have killed Chewie I’m like no lol that would have been just criminal, sorry but there’s certain characters that you just can’t kill off without making the fan-base really mad.

Dark Crystal Age of Resistance has got themselves into a bit of a corner, as they can’t kill off the Heretic without making the fan base very angry, so they are going to have to find some loophole within the lore to cater to the fanbase there.

Killing Chewie off would much worse than killing Fenix back in Brood War, at least Fenix was a warrior that didn’t mind dying a glorious death. Sorry but that would have upset too many people if they killed off the Wookie.

So just gonna forget how they both ruined and killed Han Solo, Luke and Leia?

I admit the only thing that I didn’t like about Episode 8 was how they trashed Luke’s character, but the cute porgie race made it easier to overlook. To be fair, they did make up for it a little in Episode 9, as Luke’s force-ghost character was slightly nicer. Everyone knows Episode 7 was so horrible and bad, it was literally A New Hope 2.0 so whatever happened with Han Solo didn’t matter.

With Leia they couldn’t really do much as Carrie Fisher died in real life, so they couldn’t really do anything to fix that up. RIP Carrie Fisher btw