Stamp your foot and complain about something

Hey Swarf. Remember me?

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eh… i guess it’s a look.

a weird look, but a look none the less.

pretend you’ve dressed as a Rubik’s Cube for Hallows End, and nobody will notice. :smiling_face:

I’d rather be happy and know it and clap my hands.

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/stamps foot

I’m bored, and more interested in playing on the forums than in the game.

/looks around
Now I’m bored here, too. Do I stomp again?

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Soulshape away.

Oh wait, its a toy and only usable in towns without the move speed…

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I’m too tired to stamp my foot but could Starbucks please stop with the every six month price increases? Just a few years ago, my morning coffee was a smidge under four dollars and now it’s a smidge under seven.

I now use my french press several times a week.



They just need to hire a shipright


I change my mind. Ships could be cool. Just got done watching one piece.

Getting from zone to zone via ship wouldnt be bad. It would be different from relying on dragons just to get to the next part of your quest at the peak of a mountain

I do my best to avoid no regular flight areas. I gave dragonriding a shot and hate it. It’s not for me. Pathfinder sucks. I won’t enter DF zones again until regular flight is available in DF zones.

makes stampy feet Some druid skills like Moonfire, Sunfire, and Starfire, and when the Eclipse visual pops up are too flashy and bright. When I try to play druid, those bright quick flashes of light from the skills ends up triggering a migraine for me or a visual aura. I wish there was a way to significantly dim or darken bright flashy skills like those.

Work keeps me from playing wow. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I don’t wanna wanna work, I just wanna . . .

stomps foot . . . and then drums




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im hungry ! i just fed this…me? yesterday! why i gotta keep feeding it, my characters don’t need food so i shouldn’t either!

What would be bad is when the devs turn the ship into a bloated overly complicated mini-game that consumes most of the game’s resources.



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I was going to complain that you have been gone too long…but then i saw this was Necroed and you are probably STILL gone and will never read this. So why am I responding to you.

i haven’t seen swarf in a minute

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