Staghelm Alliance Reconnections

Hey how’s it going Andrian! I’m pumped at seeing all these old names again

Sabrinna Hume Warrior
Moonlight Shadow
El, Houghton,Drice and just anyone else who was in the guild.

Man i remember drooling over all your gear!

It’s going great! Add me to your battle net and I’ll send you discord info.

At work but will do when I get home, thanks

Was he that a-hole undead mage? :slight_smile: or am i thinking of someone else?

Wow! Thanks for the video tip! I am the warrior with black hair getting healed at 0:56 seconds lol. So wild that a video exists from 13 years ago.

That would be Hamx, the 3 minute mage specializing in cowardice and macros

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The folks I got closest to were in Requiem, Tomiach, Kyleigh, etc… (I probably remember your real name more that your character names :slight_smile: )

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That’s King Pentatonic to you noobs.

Thorodinson, Human Warlock. I never hit max level in Vanilla. I can barely remember the name of the guild I was in at the time. I was more or less a tag-along because I had RL friends who were raiders in the guild when I started playing.

Edit: Aftermath. That was the guild. I had to go to wowwiki and look at the entry for the server. As soon as I saw the name, it came back to me.

I have fond memories of killing you :slight_smile: -Fathernature

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I didnt see a whole ton of you but I have similar memories of killing your successor foosh

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You forgot moms basement, drugs and female night elves :rofl:

Now im curious what the deleted comment said because i have no clue what youre on about

Expand his post, he is talking about Hamx.

Is…is that you Pentatonic?

My old guild master was named rumblepit… gnome mage was it? I cant remember guild name… i played Greenhell NE druid and Vandamage gnome mage also i seem to have this char name in my head aswell; Saraswati female NE druid

Armigard, Human Priest
Aion and Pheonix
would be cool to reconnect with old friends from Vengeance/Pheonix and Aion.
Budai, Nicia, Arle, Fishknuckles, Helga, Cyndis, Seraphime, Inanya, Namlay, Marablood, Suncer, Govannon, Montsegur and a whole bunch of others.
Tigercat I remember you, its good seeing you around.

a couple of my RL friends from Staghelm will be coming back to play, Tankit, Defonda, Yezebel, Pihc.


Hey guys! Lots old friends here. Armigard! Not sure if im going to be playing Classic. Glad keeps bugging me to.

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