SSD Help - will this work for my rig?

Thanks again, guys - really appreciate it :slight_smile:

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You should really consider installing windows on the new drive and run off of that and just turn the hard drive into deep storage.

The difference between os snappiness in literally everything is quite pronounced


Working for Best Buy, I’m 100% ashamed that our stores shameless sold this as a “high-end gaming PC.”

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Reading the comments off bestbuy it looks like you can swap out the Intel optane memory and replace it with the M2 SSD which is what I would do to get best performance.

If you go on the Dell site and enter its service tag it’ll tell you what it came with and from there find out for sure what it can do.

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I’ve never actually used an optane system before - does removing the optane pose any risk to the file system?

It should store most used files from the HDD onto the optane portion of the drive to get faster loading times, but does it mirror the data or simply move it?

If so, maybe see if there’s a “decoupling” or “uninstall” feature before you remove?

Spoil yourself. Get a 1TB SSD.

Looking at some site comments about it may be easy or some work. One guy says you have to go into Windows and disable it from the Intel rapid storage program and disable it then reboot the PC.

Then from the bios and change controller mode from RST to AHCI mode. A fresh Windows install would be ideal as well.

There’s YouTube videos on how to reinstall windows 10.

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I had Optane on my R8. I just swapped it out with a Crucial MX500.

Optane is to help the HDD, nothing more. All you need to do is turn it off in BIOS before taking the actual card out.