SS vs TM Brawl premades STOP THEM

Epic / Large Battlegrounds was never about skill. So we can drop that point right there. If players and guilds want to play together in the Epic BGs then let’em. Like seriously. How dare these players come into an MMO and play together.


It reminds me of a certain other poster who also tends to say ridiculous things and act as though everything they don’t like is an affront to them and everyone else who plays the game.

And also his privacy.


Because you hae the option to do the same thing. If you don’t want to do it, too bad so sad.


Epic BGS dont require skill? That’s new stop defending this petty premade group.

If premades were ALLOWED then groups would be able to QUEUE as raid but NO its not allowed. We can queue in 5 man party SIZE groups which is intended to stop large raids to QUEUE in, premades are abusing the system to have unfair advantage.

This needs to be FIXED.

No premades ALLOWED in any BG, especially this raid that ride on the gryphons annoying and trolling horde PLAYERS.

I mean… the game has ingame voice chat for raids… they have no real necessary advantage other than that they care more, are trying harder, and are more prepared. Do you want to disincentivize caring, trying, and preparation? Seems like a bad idea.


You need to chill out and quit whining. This is a non-issue.


It’s not new because there isn’t. Both factions try to zerg blob each other down.

It doesn’t need to be fixed. You just need to either…

A. Make a premade of your own
B. Get over it

You have no right to make a stance that guilds and friends are not allowed to play with one another in epic bgs because you don’t think its fair.


I’m a little upset about the anti-gryphon hate in this thread.


Farming people isn’t new. Premade groups have made their way into them almost since the beginnings. Dragging it out to farm them longer? That’s why they added timers to the battlegrounds. Before that, in Warsong Gulch, you could get farmed until you got disgusted and quit.


Yeh you can, spaventosa is dumb enough to be bragging about it on Twitter…

It’s ABUSING the system to get premades in any battleground. Premades should not be ALLOWED it’s NOT FUN either.

It’s a total blast running in a premade most of the time. If you have coms as a team and use them you’ll win anyway, and having a good working strat that the team sticks to will normally be a win also, so both together and the advantage is huge over the gaggle of solo players, cussing each other out as they scramble about the map with no clear goal beyond their own.

If players choose to group together to work as a team you somehow feel it’s abusing the system. I have to disagree and feel it’s the lone-wolves that are not getting it, playing group content as a group is how the game is meant to be played there lil Zapey :slight_smile:

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At least you’re getting some bites kek

Oh good, this thread definitely needed more time at the top of the stack to display the full extent of just how inane some of the topics we discuss can be.


My good fellow, may I direct your attention to “exhibit A?”

Your atrocious, inconsistent use of capital lettering aside, you provided that premades are disallowed, yet you are simultaneously complaining that premades are occuring? If the system disallows it, then what you are witnessing is doubtlessly a well-coordinated small group leading a dissonant mass to supreme victory, as you have illustrated that they are not able to simultaneously queue for such sport as you deride.

Alternatively, if large groups are allowed the ability to queue together, and form these “premades” regarding which you embarked on such a cataclysmically-written diatribe as to cause legitimate physical pain to most literate readers, then I implore you to form one of your own!

Either it is disallowed and therefore not occurring, or allowed for both sides to employ as a tactic. It cannot be, simply, that the opposing side upon which you have strewn so much vitriol is able to perform an act such as you are describing without there being a legitimate in-game recourse for you to employ.

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I could complain that in nearly every Assault and Champions of Azeroth WQ I’ve done for the past 2-3 days, I’ve only ever encountered Horde, who would camp near enough to my corpse to make completing said WQ impossible. Or I could have just turned off WM and went about my merry way.

Welcome to the World of Warcraft. My advise? Move on to something else and come back when Cryptid’s League is done dominating. Either that or step up and lead as I usually do!

I think my IQ went up a bit after reading your post. Nice reply.

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I am just SAYING these premades ABUSE the system to get large raids in battlegrounds WHEN they are not allowed. It’s not fair HOW are regular players to DO THIS?

Why is this ignored in the first place, either change raid settings so everyone can just QUEUE in raids or STOP these premades abusing the system.

They were all riding gryphons, so what. It’s not like gryphons are on of the most numerous types of Alliance exclusive mounts after horses or anything. Oh wait, that’s right they are. I can think of at least 9 different gryphons in game atm, plus 3 more from the BfA beta that have yet to be added.

40 people on the same common mount means diddly squat.

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