SPY ADDON Removal Entirely

My combat log did the same exact thing at the yeti cave in Felwood. This was before I used Spy. I then went stealth and dropped down and proceeded to find him and kill him.

So I guess my ultimate point is if you guys want Spy to be removed entirely, Blizzard would have to disable all combat logging on enemy players. And we all know that’s not going to happen.

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if you need a threat meter to tell you how much threat your causing you need to learn to play your roll properly.

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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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I am. I might need a healbot.

I will take “Things that are never going to happen for $500, Alex.”

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Now every time an opposing faction player acts suspiciously I have to wonder if Spy has told them I am there, even tho I am stealthed and haven’t even moved.

I see this enough now that it looks like I am being auto-detected even though I have long since been stealthed and haven’t taken any action.

Is that how this add-on works or am I mistaken?

If you are in stealth, Spy doesn’t break your stealth so people can see you.
Why are you making things up to try to prove your point?
It makes people just laugh at you.

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Even without the addon, mousing over someone gives you a tooltip with the player’s name, and you can simply /target the name that appears there. You could also just click your mouse button when mousing over them. :slight_smile:

Spy is bad for the game but not because of most of the reasons stated here. Its an ease of play option that makes it easier to detect a rogue entering stealth nearby, or some butthole creeping in the bushes. If you didn’t want rogues to kill you then you shouldn’t have rolled on a PVP server. As for the buttholes in bushes, you shouldn’t be rewarded for being oblivious. If you think you can hide in a bush I’m pretty sure the blood red nameplate lights you up like a Christmas tree. That being said you should have the advantage on some idiot not paying attention. This add-on sucks because even if you don’t agree with it you have to have it unless you like trying to wrestle one handed in the dark. Get rid of it for sure.

Liq I dont think you quite follow, there are countless abilities you can pop while stealth that doesn’t pull you out of stealth. The intent is these abilities are usable while stealth. Any of these abilities, a buff/debuff falling off, or other things will key people to your location or proximity. In the cases I originally mentioned I did not get found by the enemy but they were circling near my position only using spy

 Years ago games banned this stuff,  early pvp players using radar wrecked many a game.

Other games != WoW

I enjoy seeing people make the false equivalency that spy addon = combat log. “It’s the same thing bro, get gud”. Yeah, because people went around just staring at their combat log prior to this cheat addon…such simple minds.

Lol you miss the point entirely.

Yep. Nerfing the combat log to 50 meters made Spy way more powerful.

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Odd… because that’s all Spy does, it reads the Combat Log…

Ooooo sorry, didn’t realize you were a minor. When you’re old enough to drive, you’ll understand the concept of only “staring at” your mirrors insomuch as you need quick info. The Combat Log can be made to only highlight specific events, including actions taken by hostile players and nothing else. I don’t need it to track just how hard I’m hitting others or they are hitting me, that’s what Details or Recount are for.

You’ll get the concept when you’re older, no worries!

Eh don’t talk down to yourself so much, you aren’t simple, you’re just far less experienced!

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no, there is nothing wrong with spy, it doesn’t do anything the combat log doesn’t already.

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well if you are going to repeat the same old line I guess I can too. “Then just use your combat log”, ban the add on.

Blizzard has broken addons on a mass scale to stop addons they believe are cheating before. There is no reason to think they wouldnt or shouldnt again. If killing Spy means breaking other, legit addons, so be it. It will be the community’s fault and they will have no one but themselves to blame.

Behave by choice or behave by force. Either way you will behave and either way is acceptable.

Good, then you dont need the addon and can just check your combat log, cant you?

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