Spring trading post datamined

If the pet is the meta reward again I swear…

3 straight months of these ridiculous dress/pink transmos kinda crazy tbh

This is true, lets not forget they did a bait and switch on us this month. Just a day or two before the trading post went live they swapped the prices of a Peacock mount and the pet mouse that is this months reward. Peacock had a placeholder price usually used for monthly rewards and was then given an actual mount price, and mouse had a normal pet price but was then given the placeholder monthly reward price. Lo and behold, no peacock mount at all, and mouse became a monthly reward.

Point being, they can and will change things around even just before its due to go up. The only time you can be truly certain of what’s going to be up each month is when it actually goes live. The datamining is usually quite accurate, but there’s already been several instances of things that were datamined not actually showing up.

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oooh yes !

if the swords are coming…the armor is either a monthly reward or it’s going to be another store item… hoping for former despite being unsure if I’ll use it either way.

Yo lemme get that shark hat tho

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no its not we dont have enough we need moar

Finally blacks gloves my rogue will be complete!

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Oh Good the Dreadwake is here, now I have something to use my tendies on.


…no actually I’m glad for people that they’ll get it too. It’s a favorite of mine, enjoy!


I kind of wish the trading post items weren’t added until the turn-over of the month. Getting next month’s stuff data mined kinda just sucks.

That shark hat looks tempting. Part of me wants it, but another wants to keep saving for hoping something really really good comes along down the road. So far I’m a bit over 15.5k tendies.

The blazing hyppogryph (last I used it) has the horrible loud flapping sound that ashes of alar uses. I never used it again after getting that tcg card so long ago. And it’s horribly pixelated.

I hope the “brick” cloak and scarf are dark red. Been waiting for that color, as well as dark blue and dark green.

Edit: I’m getting three of the swords, the two cloak sets, and the tabard totaling 1050 with 450 left over. Sweet.

If it helps, I was fully ready to shell out the cash too.

Good enough reason to see Varian Wrynn Cosplayers soon.


I thought that was kind of the purpose of the trading post? For fun and ‘cutesy’ outfits? we’re supposed to collect badass outfits by killing stuff and being badasses. It’s not like they’re going to drop ball gown appearances for rated pvp currency.


That dress is awesome, so glad they’re doing more stylish/vanity transmog stuff. Everything else is eh.

would be the perfect response lol

All trash. They should just delete tp if this is the result.

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