I’d expect that to kill someone given the amount of globals you spent getting into that state. It’s good that at least one shadow build can deal damage once in a blue moon.
Nah I mean killing people is difficult in general with healers around assuming they are half decent, and a lot of specs have decent to good personal survivability now too. No spec is doing that to someone with a healer or two around and their personals available
I’d you can’t kill someone during a stun in 4 gcds after 6 globals of ramp + 10 secs of halo pulses there is a problem with the game.
Not really, there is so much more to account for then just what you are doing and what your kill target is doing. We are mostly talking bgs here, so there are other players around contributing to that player living and possibly to you killing that target. If you could just walk up to a target and slam every cd to get a guaranteed kill no matter what else was happening, that would be a big problem (ret 10.0.7 rings a bell here with how ridiculous that would be). Even in arena there are 4 other players to account for that aren’t just you and your kill target.
If you get someone alone you will 100-0 them doing that most likely, but again in no scenario are you usually 1v1ing like that very often.
Seriously! It’s like the people in charge of this class didn’t even do a simple dungeon with it before forcing it on all of their customers. No way they thought this specialization felt good in any sort of content.
The fact that both our dots & direct damage abilities deal far less damage than anything an affliction lock can press is disgusting given that this is a light and void themed xpac.
I want Power Infusion removed from the game & my memory. Take the cast time off Halo/DA/VE/VB. Either make VTorrent uninterruptible, or make it as fast and hard hitting as DH eye beam. Buff feather. Make dots matter. Uncap Shadow Crash and Cap Psychic Link @8-10 so we can have some damage in our direct abilities again (MF,MS,MB).
You don’t just walk up and slam everything. You need to have hard casted void Eruption and Halo, generate enough insanity to get off 2 dps while waiting out 10 seconds for halo to generate 3 surges and cast power infusion while not dying or being interrupted. After all that, you’d better be able to 100-0 someone on your own or the game is broken.
All while the enemy healer is stripping your dots with no fear of a 3 sec fear
All of the damage from spread pressure comes from psychic link, boring I’d rather stronger dots.
All of the “direct” damage is pumped into mind flay insanity and void torrent.
Idk all of the “newly” introduced abilities in shadow lands and just steal all of the damage profiles from everything else.
I know this will be met with animosity as I’m in the lion’s den, but I swear so many spriests live in an alternative reality.
The constant complaining on the PvE side, despite them literally being S+ tier for 3 seasons in M+.
The constant complaining about the PvP side, despite SEVERAL being in top 100 in 3’s.
And even now in TWW, every tier list (I know, not to be taken as gospel, but it’s all we have right now and it’s unanimous enough) from top PvP’ers predicts them to be A or S tier for the upcoming AWC.
It’s really hard to take sporadic forum complaints seriously when the evidence always seems to be on the contrary.
Most of the people complaining about shadow on the forums have actually played shadow in TWW. Most tier list makers haven’t.
Take the numbers/meters away and pretend they don’t exist.
The complaints stem from purely a “design” focus, numbers will be balanced one way or another or left to be unbalanced, frankly, that’s not the point.
I have played all classes in Dragonflight and when I ignore the numbers and just focus on the feeling of gameplay in the flow and answers to situations that come up, I can clearly see and experience a major gap or poor gameplay design when it comes to the Priest. It is very obvious when you experience all other classes and then come back to priest in comparison… its like getting drenched in cold water all the sudden as you are in shock at how many issues are present for Priest compared to the rest.
They’re a tier in pvp but that’s in a 3s setting with a lock usually who is S+ tier. It’s the design of the spec that makes me unhappy. Spriest is just behind the times in pvp, hard casting a long obvious set up into relatively low pressure damage profile. One could say enhance was in a really good spot because bigdam and Saul can get rank 1 on them. The spec needs love in pvp. Sure it can do a lot of damage but is it really fun?
Yep. I’ve been seeing 300mil even sometimes 400mil in BGs. Shadow Priest damage is quite good in PvP.
The problem is arena or 1vs1 fights. We’re GREAT as long as we’re left along to just hard cast in the bushes on 10 targets, sure. But when you’re in a 3vs3 and the Warrior/FDK/Hpal is just literally sitting you the entire game… you cannot do anything. Every Void Torrent is going to get interrupted, stunned whatever. Every one. You will get off some Mind Blasts that hit for 200k while you’re eating 1.5mil damage obliterates, sure.
Go see how Spriest damage feels when you’re under pressure.
I purposely included “not to be taken as gospel” to avoid this kind of response.
However, data is important, and on that front they performed exceptionally in both keys and PvP in dragonflight, and based on available logs, will do the same outside of raid in TWW.
Which is actually a sweet spot to be in as the balance team tends to look at raid when considering balance analysis.
I do not believe we will be meta for S1 Mythic+.
Two things really cemented our inclusion in the DF dungeon meta, and that was Chaos Brand and Arcane Intellect. The M+ “Godcomp” was:
Vengeance (Brand)
Rdruid (Mark, Combat Rez)
Fire Mage (Arcane Int, Heroism, Immortal)
Augmentation (Obviously)
Spriest (Fort, PI, Mind Soothe, Mass Dispel)
Because of the four raid buffs (brand, mark, arcane int, PW:F) the synergies of the comp were just unmatched. Although Destruction Warlocks technically out damaged us in DF, they didn’t bring PI for the huge pulls, fort or soothe, and thus were broadly considered sub-optimal despite the DPS increase. The exception was Algathar Academy where the huge lasher snap pull obligated Destruction’s AoE DPS.
Fast forward to TWW and Chaos Brand has been nerfed from 5% to 3% and so has Arcane Int (also 5% to 3%). Augmentation has been nerfed (Clutchmates) and Rdruid is no longer the healing powerhouse it used to be. The “god comp”, so to speak, has been gutted and time will tell to what extent the damage is. But with it, Spriest’s role in the over-arching meta. Don’t get me wrong, Mind Soothe and PI are still powerful, but our damage is SO MUCH FURTHER BEHIND now than in DF. I can definitely see Elemental Shaman replacing us in the meta, with a 30sec AoE stun, 12sec ranged interrupt, poison cleaning, AoE sprint, Earthquake interrupts and about twice our single-target (and 150% of our AOE) damage.
I just really don’t see a role for Spriest in S1 Mythic meta unless Mind Soothe skips become mandatory. I won’t be inviting Spriest to my key pushes. I’d rather take a DPS that does twice the damage with better mobility. PI isn’t enough to justify taking a spec struggling to do 1.5mil AoE damage when about six specs are doing 10mil AoE damage. On the beta, with the HUGE Ara-kora City first pull, I had an Unholy finish the pull at 18 MILLION DPS.
Why bring a Spriest? lmao
Competitive m+ truly has been ruining this game one patch at a time since it’s inception.