It looks like it’s been a month since this issue was last posted, but same here… no credit for lighting any of them.
I can’t even start the world events they I can see flams but I can’t click to throw radiant remnant into flames. I am 80, 7 on Hallowll now. Tried to submit a ticket and bug report. Still not showing on either of my qualified toons. Help please
I just tried doing it and after 5 times Spreading the Light - the Lesser Keyflames do NOT activate or work at all! I even logged out completely and logged back in and still not giving any credit when adding Radiant Remnants - so not sure what this bug issue is, but it seems to fail. This is the first time I experienced this issue with this world quest. Can Blizzard please fix this issue! Thanks! - JJ -
Out of curiosity, did you complete the story up to the quest “surface bound?” That unlocks world quests and what not in khaz.
December 24, 2024 - a day before Christmas in NYC -
Hi Mechadeath!
Yes, I completed the entire storyline and now venturing into the new area for the new epic ring. It’s a bit grindy and no type of flying, but all good.
As for Spreading the Light world quest, it works fine, but if I do the quest again the same day with another one of my characters, or if my Girl does it, no credit is given within the same account. Not sure if this is a bug or intentional and players are only able to do it once a day etc… not a big deal at this point. But if it’s a bug Blizzard should fix it.
Either way, WoW is and always will be my favorite Blizzard game of all time and the Epic Music is like no other game out there - love it!
With that said, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a Happy upcoming New Year to you and all of the Heroes in Azeroth, and to the Blizzard Team too - for making games that entertain us all, although the bugs and issues are no fun, I still love the games!
Cheers! - JJ -