Sports in Azeroth: Is Doping Legal?

So I was thinking, and obviously sports do exist on Azeroth. Which of course leads to the existence of sporting competitions, which then of course leads to rules. But like, the people of Azeroth are talented in matters of alchemy and also magic, which leads to the question - is doping legal?

Say you have a Priest that uses their Power Infusion on someone so they’re faster when kicking, and all throwing, the ball in the ball sports. Is this legal? Can you drink potions to make yourself more buff? There are potions that make you bigger, and I met a Draenei on Moon Guard who was addicted to these growth hormones. Would they be legal in sports? What if there was a super olympics where everyone was allowed to do anything they wanted? Is Sylvanas a jock?


First we’d need to clarify: are racial leagues existing or does everyone compete at the same level?

I think that racial leagues would need to exist in certain circumstances, but not all. For instance, say tauren and gnomes played basketball together. There would have to be a height adjustment for the hoops so that tauren wouldn’t just be able to essentially lift their hands and put the ball in every time. But this means that gnomes would require more strength to be able to throw the ball into the hoop.

But, I think certain sports wouldn’t require racial leagues.

Undead win every marathon because they literally never tire so they just run at full tilt for the entire go of it.

We know gear can magically bestow properties on the user, would you argue that’d fall under doping or would the only way to fairly know if a match is based off natural aptitude is if they’re all naked?

Like in your example of Gnome/Tauren basketball, would the Gnomes be allowed clothes that roughly equalize their strength or are they just as naked? If so, wouldn’t naked Tauren physiology benefit them because Gnomes wouldn’t be able to go between the legs due to obstruction but Tauren can walk over Gnomes?

If items are legal, wouldn’t natural aptitude/working out not really be a significant factor because gear compensates for your limitations?

Do undead need pit stops like racing cars?


If parts break/wear out… Maybe.

The height disparity is still too great - for instance, how would gnomes be able to take the ball from the tauren and vice versa? Even if there was gear to address the strength disparity, there’s still the issue of height. A gnome might be able to throw the ball as hard as a tauren might to get into the hoop, but since it has to travel such a far distance upwards comparatively, it gives the tauren an advantage.

Now I want a space jam knock-off where gnomes use a magic basketball to steal magic from the best players to turn them into Gnomstars.


I think this exists in canon to the universe and is a very beloved movie.

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There is a Lich in Maldraxxus who dopes up before competing in the Theater of Pain.

The Brokers are quite displeased with this as it interferes with their betting. As a result they give us a Potion to turn the Lich into a Slime rendering her unable to compete forcing us to take her place(presumably ruining all the Brokers’ betting due to them betting on the Lich’s rivals who get killed by us).


Judging by what Marileth says, Marileth interprets being a slime as the strongest form one can attain and so in a sense, the potion does exactly as intended.


So’narynar is the one who had us buy the Potion from another Broker Au’larrynar(who was betting on So’narynar successfully getting us to buy said Potion) which of course means that Marileth’s intentions for the Potion was not in consideration by the Brokers who knew what sort of empowerment it was!

Au’larrynar & So’narynar were the ones who lost money on the Lich and greedily betted on our helping them to remove the Lich as well as it working to their benefit. Considering we took the Lich’s place and won they may have lost their money again and are now poorer than before!

Do you think Azerothian athletes have their friends pee in cups for them like real athletes and do you think that the urine of various races is identifiable on sight?

I feel like Orcs probably don’t hydrate very well.

Orcs are like camels, they preserve water through their hunch


Imagine how many kidney stones a diet of straight Kaja Cola gives you. Ugh.


The only ones talented are those trained.

The thing that tends to balance it out is that either no one is doing it, or everyone is. There are some downsides though as graphically demonstrated in the doping quest line at the Theater of Pain.

nascar but with undead?

Come to think of it in rated Arenas you can’t use potions. And as that’s framed as an in universe sport, I imagine it’d apply across the board.