*spoilers* thread about romance in shadows rising

That’s a water joke right

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Hate to break it to you…

Jaina and Calia, I don’t care if it’s unlikely but I’m shipping it regardless.

I think I saw a movie about something to do with a city named Pluto that was underwater.

I demand that Alleria and Turalyon get a nice scene/short story/fetch quest showing them at a nice, idyllic picnic with Arator, Veressa, and her twins before any of them can get murderized by the plot. Let them have at least one unadulterated happy family moment.

Also, I recently heard someone suggest Tess/Wrathion and now I like the idea of it.


I like the idea of dragons not being with humans, but being with me instead

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Broke: Lor’themar/Thalyssra
Bespoke: Liadrin/Thalyssra

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Implying there’s not enough Thalyssra for both of them.

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well, she is pretty tall…

Listen if we are gonna hold out for Ships that will never sail Imma be over here chanting “Jaina and Tyrande” over and over ok?

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All my homies hate Thalyssra

Ugh. I’m still so bitter about the Nightborne intro questline that wrecked the characterization of both Liadrin and Thalyssra, who’d been built up into two of my favorite characters. Making Liadrin a slinking manipulator and blind faction loyalist and Thalyssra a gullible clod eager to drink whatever kool-aid she’s offered was such a cruel reversion that doing Legion content is downright unpleasant for me now because they both have such cool development and knowing where it’s going to end up is just awful.


Lets not and say we did. Why pair the two most insufferable people? Are you asking that a prominent couple be comprised of the two most hated people?

sylvanas and nathanos


That’s not a good example either.

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I was going to say I ship Jaina and the water elemental haha…

And now… to the drawing board.

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It’s a better example of what you were thinking.

Excuse you, all the characters listed in my post are absolute babes.

We need some Allied Race relationships.

Kiro/High Prelate Rata
Lucille Waycrest/Brannon Stormsong

And the spicy, interfactional… T’paartos/Geya’rah

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We need some big beefy gay orcs


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