(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

And Val’sharah, Hyjal, Winterspring, Moonglade, and Feralas. And the ones living in the Dreamgrove.

Oh, and bits of Azsuna, Suramar, Desolace, Wetlands, Felwood, and possibly Silithus due to the Wardens and various Cenarion settlements.

And then there’s potentially Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarsh, and Blade’s Edge Mountains, provided the Cenarion Circle maintains vigil on Outland.

…Not to mention that many Night Elves have since chosen to live with the other Neutral/Alliance forces they’ve come to work with, so there are also a number of them in the Plaguelands/Northrend with the Argents, in Dalaran with the Kirin Tor, in Stormwind/Exodar/Ironforge, some of them being nomadic adventurers, etc…

A lot of Night Elves died at Teldrassil, but they’re far from being wiped out.

The 3 zones of Darkshore Ashenvale and Teldrassil were supposed to be the main population centers for Night Elves.

Feralas is a small outpost
Hyjal is again a small outpost with some druids and not only Night Elves
Moonglade, see above
Felwood is still mostly fel corrupted
Feathermoon island is in Feralas and is the location of their small outpost there
Azuramyst has a few Night Elves living there but not many
The Plaguelands has a small outpost of mostly druids
Wetlands also has a small outpost like Feralas
Valshara is a single town and a few small collections of druid enclaves (most of which are gone or no longer lived in after Legion)
Silithus is not just Night Elves and again mostly druids and sentinels
The Night Elf outpost in Outlands is probably not there in the story anymore, they would have most likely left after the Naga were dealt with, which only leaves the small outpost in Bladesedge which is again a very small outpost of Night Elves

Let’s not forget that the vast majority of their army wasn’t even at Darkshore at the time.

They won’t because that would require actually updating the zone to reflect the current history of it, which would be good for the night elves so you know it’s last on their priority list.

And then those “moon loa cultists” beat the crap out of not 1 but 2 troll empires and the bugs those empires couldn’t handle.

because speculation is always 100% accurate right?

Single Night Elf Female, looking for love. Those under 6 feet tall need not apply.

People whp have been Nightelf fans having a meltdown

Meanwhile myself who has been Horde his entire short WoW career and knows we always end up getting screwed is just enjoying their plight before we lose yet another warchief. In a raid… Again.

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Yup looks mostly the same with a diff color

Never fear.

There is a well spring of power just waiting for your blood thirsty kin to immerse themselves in.

In the Emerald Nightmare.

Odd… that wasn’t showing up on the loot table when I looked it up.

Apparently the stag head is popular, because the comments say Broll uses this exact staff in the comics. LOL

Remember: Naxxramas actually has different items with different models for 10 and 25-man.

The 10-man weapons were reused/recolored models from Vanilla Naxx, the 25-man versions were new IIRC.

I was looking at it on Wowhead. I assumed all loot tables were consolidated there. But it’s also late and I’m tired. lol

I believe Wowhead still has the difficulties separated, you can toggle them at the top of the loot pages.

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Ignoring all those Night Elves who aren’t plot characters who still want Sylvanases blood.

You can’t just wipe a blood debt clean because some bimbo in a dress says its over.

This ritual would have failed. All 5 of them still exist while elune have lntervened to change the power and stop them from dying.

The cinema will show elunes rescue of the nightwarriot

You do realize that those Nelfs followed what Tyrande wanted, yes? They’ve got people wandering aimlessly. Rebuilding is more important than some stupid revenge thing. At this point, it’s meaningless. No one has a “blood debt” anyway.

Pretty sure somebody will and they’ll do anything to get it…looks over at the Emerald Nightmare.

The Nightmare was destroyed. And now you’re just making stuff up for nonsensical reasons.

This is Blizzard. They’ll bring it back if they can get away with it.

Just like they will sweeping the pathetic race of Night Elves into the grave with the Forsaken.

It would make literally no sense to bring it back as it was cleansed when we defeated Xavius in the Nightmare.

Good lord… why is everyone so dramatic? :roll_eyes:

Nelfs aren’t extinct. Nightmare isn’t coming back. No one cares about some random no-name NPC who might want Sylvanas dead after we kill her ourselves anyway. Geebus.

The existence of this post proves otherwise.

Then they can crown a new Xavius.