(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

OP nerd raged, was proven wrong, and never came back

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Still waiting for that fist pump moment.


not the moment, but here’s a fist pump. fist pumps

According to the rest of the Alliance everything is okay! Meanwhile NEs have no home.

NEs need to start their own Alliance.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

It’s beyond the game designers to do so but the factions should’ve really fractured from the events of the 4th war.

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Actually according to the WOW article she still is the Night Warrior. But unlike others who became the Night Warrior Elune stepped in to help her learn to control the power so it will no longer consume her.

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They also still have a capital city and lands to call their own, Night Elves don’t.

It happens in the very first chapter on PTR when Tyrande tries to defend Ardenweald but loses, Sylvanas gets her sigil and leaves

We rescued a very small chunk that probably perished on the streets of Stormwind lol

Which are close to none, and how are you going to rebuild with no zones or home?

Neither of them are true. Most souls were left in the maw as we only saved around 10% of those that died in Teld.

And the same short story tells us that there are far too few left.

Literally in the dialogue I linked where Tyrande said that there won’t be justice so they can focus on renewal (which is laughable).

There’s your mistake, Ashenvale and Darkshore were also wiped out which are entire zones.

Again no. First of all they’re dead, second we only saved a small portion of the Night Elf souls.

They didn’t really, unless you count 1 out of 3 zones as reclaimed.

If they had a place to do so, maybe. But they can’t rebuild an entire race with those few left either. So there are 2 problems.

Guess they really sticked to that.

Did you mean Jaina getting justice against the Horde? Because the Horde destroyed Theramore and tortured her people?

But in Ashenvale, Darkshore and Teldrassil.

Sylvanas takes her sigil and leaves. She beats Tyrande so badly that Ysera needs to put her to sleep.

That doesn’t invalidate my statement. The majority of the Night Elf souls were left in the maw, they’re talking about those few that we saved.

Uh we didn’t? We failed to save them in that event.

Except when all of their lands are gone and their people nearly extinct. How are they going to rebuild?


Maybe Elune lost confidence in her?

Ah my definition of paradise. A “nightelfless” Azeroth

Okay, so? It’s not like Sylvanas is powerless. Literally has a huge chunk of power from the Jailer.

  1. We don’t know that. There are a bunch of us Maw Walkers rescuing them.
  2. Don’t make crap up to further your terrible dramatic narrative.

Both are true. You don’t have numbers. Stop making crap up.

Comparatively, sure. But considering they lived in more than one place, Stormwind is freaking huge and so are the lands between there and Goldshire
 that’s still a crap ton of Nelfs. They’re not extinct.

It’s not “laughable.” It makes perfect sense.

Stop posting your your drama and false information.

No they weren’t.

Wrong. Bunch of Maw Walkers saving bunch of souls. Don’t make up numbers.

They never had all of those zones to begin with.

And they do.

There aren’t “a few” left. Geebus.

And Feralas and Stonetalon, etc. Stop acting like they’re all dead.

Sure does. We’ve invalidated ALL of your hyperbole and crap.

Wrong on both accounts.


Yeah it sucks Night Elves have lost all of their land. (on top of it being destroyed by the cataclysm.)

Sucks to lose all of those places. They don’t even really have a zone in Azeroth anymore. Unless you want to count Moonglade I guess. Maybe Feralas?

you’re really bad with lore, why are you here? The alliance has won every war against the Horde. The Night elves did regain all their land back except maybe ashenvale as it wasn’t clarified, the forsaken actually lost more land than the alliance did. If you even did the ardenweald campaign you saved majority of all souls that were night elves that got sent into the maw but not of the forsaken, orcs, or any other race. But night elves got a special treatment of being saved. We still haven’t saved saurfang which bswonamdi has fully admitted that his soul was in the maw. Tyranda was supposed to die, it was a guaranteed thing when she accepted the powers of the night warrior. Instead blizzard protected her and kept her alive.

Blizzard has also announced that forsaken and night elves will get new capital cities / homes later with it massively hinted hyjal was the night elves new home. The alliance is pretty much winning in every regard story wise with the sole exception of not killing off sylvanas permanently. But of course boohoo for the faction that never loses a faction leader every expansion.


It really needs to be, that is one of the biggest problems with the games story right now. WoW is a near perfect medium to do the best kind of story telling, as in showing not telling, but blizzard always uses out of game stuff to tell not show, what is happening in the Warcraft story.

If they want us to believe there are enough Night Elves to rebuild then they should show by having encampments of them in Stormwind or maybe near the big tree in Duskwood or just out in Elwynn forest.

Sadly Night Elves were so built up in the WC3 story now they suffer as being the ones everyone has to be better/stronger/smarter than to show what a threat they are.

Though now I wonder what race they are going to use with the Night Elves so beaten down, I’m guessing Orc’s, Forsaken, or Blood Elves are going to be the next punching bags for the next big bad to show what a threat they are. I wonder if the same ones that mock us for not being happy about the Night Elf story will be so excited when their favorite race is given the BFA treatment.

Well I’m glad they didn’t just hit her with the villian bat and kill her off.

Who cares if she lost the night warrior powers? Those were not her powers, those were not what she was, it was a rage filled emotional thing that was very rapidly killing her.

The night elves souls were saved, and we continue to save souls every single week from the maw.

The night elves lost their capitol, but completely re-took their land and won all their fights with malfurion and tyrande being literal forces of nature demi-gods washing over the land.

There is zero indication they did not take zones back, the alliance completely won the 4th war.

Sylvanas is getting knocked off anyways, it was pretty obvious tyrande was never going to get to kill Sylvanas, she’s the plot armored waifu of wow right now, there was zero chance she was ever going to actually kill sylvanas.

And killing sylvanas would have changed nothing for tyrande. The fact she is able to move on is probably better for those still alive, and the people that actually care about her.

Sylvanas will get hers, there’s plenty of other people to off sylvanas.


that staff is in game

I only know of the red version that sort of resembles it. Is there another?

your last statement gave me a flashback to thrall vs garrosh moment. Sylvanas screaming to thrall. I did everything for the Horde!

Hmm I think the one from Kel’Thuzad is the same as the one in the drawing, but the colors might not be a perfect match.

Azuremyst (Yes there is night elves there)
The Plague lands (Alot of elves there, and the horde no longer controls lorderon, so they are safe)
Valshara (So many night elves and the types there)
Sithilus (Still trying to heal that stab wound to the planet)
All the night elves in outlands still posted there.
All the night elves posted in the various other places the alliance have set up forts / strongholds.

Like. seriously? Why do you seem to think Teldrassil Dark shore and ashenvale are the -only- places night elves exist?

That is blatantly false.


Sadly, it’s a dog’s head and red: