(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

Sylvanas was about to win if it wasn’t for Yseras intervention. Elune sided with Sylvanas there.

The full story is the Night Elf souls being obliterated in the maw and that’s the end of them.

Even Tyrande has already forgiven her so :woman_shrugging:

Of course, did you play the PTR ?

We’ve waited over 3 years and now we saw how insulting it turned out.

No, it’s what happens in the raid ending and beyond.

And that they killed off and eradicated the entire Night Elf race just for a shock factor about Sylvanas.

Nope, nothing about my post is modified.

If Tyrande out of anyone forgives Sylvanas and Thrall doesn’t keep his promise, we very well know that she is getting absolved.
Elune even abandoning her people to side with Sylvanas is absolutely absurd.


Oh my god, now we even learned that Elune intentionally let the Night Elves die so that they’d go to Ardenweald, but instead she did a giant oopsie and they went to the maw and were obliterated…

This was the final nail in the coffin oh my god


It’s like Blizzard doesn’t take WoW and especially Night Elves nor Forsaken seriously.

It is pretty piss poor. The way I’d have done it is burning the tree sent too many souls to the shadowlands at once, screwing the place all up, and it all being Sylvie’s fault. Instead we got almost the exact opposite of that, SL was already messed up by a character hitherto completely unheard of (imagine, like, the devil, only no one knows who or what he is!) and the burning was an attempted solution, sylvie was a pawn, and, I think I threw up a little in my mouth and it isn’t because I’m day drinking.

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Elune didn’t go through with their deal because it would have killed Tyrande. She rejected the offer because she didn’t want Tyrande to die.

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Blizzard weeks ago: sees this thread knowing how the story will play out


No no. The writing team actually thinks they’re good. If you look at Danuser tweets he looks excited to see new story get released.

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Yes!!! As I have been constantly theorizing that Weed was a massive leech. What a monstrous display of vanity and so atypical of elves and their usual arrogance.


This. Comes down to the fact that if you invest money in game to have fun and stay some hours away from real life, which is hard enough, you dont want to have that in game. When Blizzard starts losing paying players, what will they do? I have tried other characters but its just not the same, I prefer Nelfs. But its frustrating, really. I used to play every day…lately once a week or two weeks. I feel like Im already losing interest in a game I was so obssessed over not long ago.

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Did this really need to be necro’d?

Not really, but I was reading the thread and didnt even look at the date, lol, sorry

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