(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

I don’t know how to feel about the fact that I remember this reference but I suddenly feel very old right now.


I get that you’re invested in the nelf story but i think youll be way better off investing your energy in something not tied to bliz story telling. If you can even call it that.

The whole story always basically turns out to be nothing.

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The OP is in way too deep.
Theyve been at this since they joined the forums.
It is literally the only thing they talk about.
Its an obsession. Its too late.

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Lets just hope the writers dont do anything with the draenei, I dont want my last toons ruined… cant play my ex main nelf or belf anymore (lol just saying)

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“You don’t know who burned the tree. Just wait and see!” :slightly_smiling_face:
“You don’t know if the Night Warrior arc is going to lead to absolute nothing. Just wait and see!” :upside_down_face:
“You don’t know if they’re gonna pull a Sylvanas redemption arc. Just wait and see!” :clown_face:

These writers aren’t creative enough to come up with a plot that isn’t ham-fisted and predictable. People already called the whole Night Warrior and redemption thing since early BFA.


Right now, everything being done with Tyrande, the Night Elves and the alliance as a whole is pure cancer.
To Blizzard’s delight and dismay of those who still try to see some merit in the existence or value of the alliance.
I want to pierce my own eyes to see how much Tyrande and the night elves are being so bullied about with this ridiculous and humiliating story where they don’t get anything they need. They don’t get justice, revenge, or any resolution where they don’t end up with ashes in their mouths and the !%$¨%!## muse Syl is treated like a victim.
If everything was supposed to end this way, why did Elune give this power to Tyrande?
Super Simp NaThanos was guilty but his boss wasn’t?

For the love of God!!!
When Jean Gray of the X-Men became Dark Fenix, she continued to blame everything she did under this state. She remained a universal threat and no one gave her a hug and forgiveness after she destroyed a star and wiped out a planet with 3 billion souls while she ate dinner.

Sylvannas will come out without any harm for what she has done and this is one of the worst written things I have ever had to see.


Presentation is everything. I’m sure I know what is happening. What is important for me, is how it’s presented in the story. Not how we ultimately get there or what the final destination was. The journey, the bits in between. Those are what I care about.

Everyone knew that the Ring would eventually be destroyed in LoTR. But they did not know how it would happen, or who would do it. That did not mean Tolkien lacked creativity, far from it. It simply meant that the journey he took readers on in his books was that good.

That is why I will reserve judgment on the Sylvanas story. She has been a canker-sore on the chances for Horde and Alliance having peace and moving the Warcraft narrative forward for 20 years almost. But at the same time, she did not choose her fate. Arthas did.

You didn’t see any really overtly evil for the sake of evil stuff, till Cataclysm. Sure you heard rumors, you had quests that pointed to it. But she didn’t go full on cray-cray till she jumped off ICC, and that is when she met the Jailer and got the 9 Val’kyr.

Now she’s at a new point, and more like she was before Arthas’ killed her. Vader’s gone. Anakin’s back in essence I wager. “Anakin” is also outright horrified at what she’s learning her ‘ID’ did I reckon.

If people are too obstinate to see that there’s a possible story to be had here, but instead of exploring it would rather just murder Sylvanas, for momentary gratification or because they believe she deserves it (which is rich seeing as our characters GAVE Kel’Thuzad’s Phlactery away for shinies); then I’m sorry but I’m very glad the Developers and writers aren’t doing as the players command.

Yeah yeah, she burned Teledrassil. In the words of Arthas to Bael’gun, "Get over it." What are folks going to do if it turns out that she was subtly MCed by the Jailer during such decisions and her free will was in many ways an illusion?

We already know from lore that Undeath magnifies the negative traits of a person. Case and point. How many of you remember Arthas line to Tichondrius in Warcraft III on the subject of undeath?

“I’ve damned everything I cared for… and yet I feel no remorse. No shame. No pity.”

That state of being was because Frostmourne took his soul. So saying that Sylvanas regaining her soul doesn’t at least permit her to be given a shot to make up for her past crimes, is ridiculous at best. I say that because until WoW she was for the most part just fighting against Arthas, as a counter-actor and also trying to come to terms with the curse of undeath.

I am not apologizing or sugarcoating anything she’s done. As far as characters go, Sylvanas has done some horrific things, no doubt. But I am seriously curious, whether total blame ‘can’ be assigned to her now that we know more of her state.

I say that, because if she had bouts where the Jailer’s connection to her, IE: By him holding her soul caused these things to happen or even nudged her to believe it was the correct course; then she lacked the free will she thought she had. If that is the case, then by the same logic; claiming Anduin’s lack free will does not absolve him of nearly killing the Archon.

So for me, less about how we reach her redemption. If it’s feasible and the journey made sense, then I have no qualms with it happening. Give me a good story. It’s that simple.

You’ve probably put twice as much effort into this response than the writers did with the BFA and SL stories combined.


Thank you, OP, for your insightful, thoughtful comments. I am equally dismayed with what has been happening to the Night Elves. Blizz just straight up ignores an eternal hierarchy: goddesses > evil banshee queens; Elune > Sylvanus. Elune made Tyrande her avatar to avenge the Kaldorei genocide. Tyrande was literally infused with divine power, yet when she finally confronts Sylvanus, she is basically slapped aside and Sylvanus disappears?! What the eff?


Anduin is under control of Jailor. Syl is not.
Anduin is failing to avoid being used as a puppet.
Sylvannas is so free from manipulation that when she chooses, she tries to target the being with the ugliest transmog ever.

She chose every act. She is not morally impaired.
Her hand was forced when Arthie used her like a doll.
Her hand was not forced by the jailor. Unless the jailor likes to take arrows.

And trying to make sense of it or calling this laziness journey that blizzard calls a script to try to justify something really bad, seems more like despair and illusion.


This is completely entirely and utterly false. Stop making crap up for your drama threads and then necroing your own threads.

I’ve been wondering. Has making Sylvanas the Horde leader been the the plan from the start, have they killed off or removed all the other original Horde leaders intentionally, just to remove everyone else just so she could be Warchief? Lore be damned, just so she could be the big star.

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I can’t get over that they killed Vol’Jin via trash mob so that Sylvanas could be the warchief in the Zandalar expansion.

Madness and stupidity.


I still don’t understand how Garrosh is manipulated by a Sha but they’re writing him to be completely unapologetic for his actions, and Sylvanas was manipulated by still being Sylvanas and they’re going to choose a redemption arc?

They’re so much wrong with this alone that people might not even bring up how awful the writing of Sylvanas a cunning and thoughtful character was…

Are they going to have a Martha moment? Another one I mean, since they did it once with the whole “serve” garbage.


That’s the thing, Garrosh was explicitly stated to have not been manipulated by the Sha at all. Outright said so, his force of will was so powerful that he was able to dip deep into the Old God/Sha powers and retain his own sense of self and freedom.

He’s unapologetic because that’s literally the power of his character. Nothing, not even the Jailer’s minions, not even Revendreth, not even the Sha, can subvert his will.

Yep, listen to Tyrande.
Btw you modified the truth to suit your complain haha

Based lunatic Garrosh.

You, know, I don’t want to be that guy, the one who makes light of the Night Elves’ plight (heh), and I do feel bad about all that’s happened to the Night Elves (I liked them back in WC3), but long ago, it was Tyrande that said “Only the Goddess may deny me!” Well, the Goddess denied her.

Not commenting on whether that’s fair or not, just something I was reminded of while reading the OP.

i have no idea, it just seemed like they couldn’t tell a good story with one person.

Yeah, we won’t know she got absolved until the hidden chapter.

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