(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

Oh certainly - we’ve argued about that - as well as her claims that most of the Night Elves who went to the maw were obliterated. We’ll just say that her methods of accounting are inconsistent - which as a financial auditor I take issue with. However, when we mention this:

That is how they were introduced, that was the shell in which MMORPG players built their investment. They never saw it before. They never identified with it before, and they didn’t position themselves on the ‘team’ that was defending it.

The same is not true for Night Elf players. We had to go through that destruction, and get humiliated comprehensively by fiat.


It… it was the only major kaldorei city. Actually it was an entire zone, so, even more so, and the bulk of the kaldorei population lived there. That’s lore.

Now, it is also lore that most of it was evacced and the only number we have at all is the 900 from the quest in terms of deaths on there.

It is also also lore that so many night elves were killed in Ashenvale that a river of wisps manifested from all the dead, indicating it wasn’t exactly a small number killed either. Coupled with however many killed in Darkshore and it’s likely a big number, though hardly enough to make the kaldorei extinct.

It’s still the most of a given race killed by the opposite faction in the game’s history, and the only time there has been practically zero comeuppance for it. Even the tauren, for instance, have the knowledge that every character that helped destroy Camp Taurajo, is dead.

There’s a lot of hyperbole and the opposite in regards to this. Which is probably why the writers think they’re doing a good job because they believe debate+strong emotions=good writing.


I appreciate the fact you glossed over my sarcasm.

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The people who are inspired by the Kaldorei Story have no reason to enjoy this story and have every right to have a level of distain/disappointment towards the storywriters and the Devs for allowing the Kaldorei and their story/heritage to become a tool to embarrass & making the Kaldorei players feel like the joke of wow since they had play through this . Also actually having to play through this embarrassing story does have effect on the Kaldorei players/fans. People don’t like feel being used or laughed at or joked about. It builds toxicity among people/players. (imho)

When I picked the Kaldorei as my main race it was due to their Heritage, their war experience, and them being known to be hardened tactical/experienced warriors, The Current powers to be reduced them to a group of tree hugging/mindless, homeless characters that apparently don’t know anything about warfare while making them the joke of wow at the expense of the Kaldorei fans/players who play them. (imho)


The Alliance victim complex is strong with this thread.

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Find it ironic you choose to make a victim comment from a faction that has totally prospered on the back of the Alliance & Kaldorei.



There’s been a MASSIVE cop out and a lot of throwing under the rug in regards to Sylvanas, her crimes, and justice for those affected.

I think they are just trying to move past some of these things asap and don’t realize how much of a problem it is causing.


Hey op just dropped by cos I’m still in denial phase.
Doesn’t mean I’m playing the game, deleted it and don’t even want to touch it,
just I still can’t accept the fact that my shelter became… this.

I’m not actually Night elf main player so maybe we have different opinion on Anduin,
but I’ve been doing everything I can since 8.2.5 for the world that night elves can have appropriate closure,
Cos that’s the world that I want to be part of.

Now wow is the place that those who support genocidal maniac can laugh at those who support victims. It’s exactly the same or worse place than reality.
I’m genuinely feel sorry for you and night elves, and wow world.
At this point it really doesn’t matter what happens next.

Hope you can find another shelter in the future. Another game, another hobby, whatever.
Good luck to us all. :wink:


Bro don’t you know WOW Gods like Elune give people crazy powers like night warrior to teach them the same golden rule mister rogers taught us?

Everyone is our neighbor and deserving of our forgiveness. Will you be my neigbor?

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No, no they are not. Someone goes genocidial there are consequences. I don’t want hitler as my neighbor or anyone like that and I doubt you would either.


clearly my response was sarcasm meant to be interpreted as: yes, i agree that was lame AF and the writers should be fired.

Not clearly at all. It’s a text format. There is no body language or tone of voice to help.

I thought referencing a 30 year out of date television show about morals and values that don’t exist anymore would have done the trick. My bad.

Indeed it was. Would Mr Rogers approve of your sarcasm and inability to accept responsibility? I doubt it. tisk tisk. There are most definitely people who post the type of things you do with full seriousness. You really need to check these forums more if you don’t agree.

Your comment is living up to your name in an exponentially on-point hold-my-beer-level while simultaneously giving yourself windburn and eclipses anything regarding this thread.


Blizzard needs to stop letting people that are hateful towards a part of the platerbase write the story.


Blizzard: Well, you see, if Teldressil was Hong Kong and China invaded it or burned it down, we would want you to forgive President Xi and focus on renewal.


It was his evil soul half that did it! His good half was imprisoned the whole time! He’s innocent!


Ah get over yourself this whole Xpac is about redemption why not redeem Sylvanas. You silly lil Night Elf…The Dark Lady has never meant anything to you, so why bother discussing that which makes no sense to you.

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Whew. A lot of things to dive into, so I’ll skip the over emotional ranting and go for the bullet points.

  • Tyrande first loses her last battle against Sylvanas.
    Having one’s hands around another’s throat usually isn’t a loss.

  • Then she loses her Night Warrior powers
    She forgot to blow out the Moon Candle Goldar lit.

  • Tyrande tells us that there will be no justice, but instead we should focus renewal.
    Ardenweald and Night Elves are about life, not death. Wait and see the full story.

  • Sylvanas gets redeemed and absolved of her crimes and everyone forgives her.
    Not remotely how I’ve seen NPCs behaving post raid, where it involves her.

  • Tyrande is set up to forgive her in the later chapter.
    Not likely. Another case of ‘need to wait and see how the events’ play out.

I’m no Blizzard apologist, but seriously people. Stop judging the story before it actually happens. Your wasting way too much energy and bellyaching about things that none of us know about. Let’s wait and see before people start howling at the moon like Genn does.

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