(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

-wave- Hai. Race here that had 90% of its population wiped out.

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And yet your female only race has exploded in numbers since then.

Mostly night elves. Bunch of night elf threads since that happened. I am guessing its the same person with different toons.

Not lore wise. Point being that there are multiple races (BEā€™s, Draenei, Gilneans) that fall under the category that the OP was talking about.

Because I have fat fingers and posting on a phone.

A night elf, of course, it always a night elf!


If you believe that losing three zones and getting one back constitutes a win, I have a bridge to sell you.


I did all of the Horde side story line quests and world quests. The Horde players are guilty for their actions.

Sure the WoW story developers did the writing. Theyā€™re the ones that made the Horde players into war criminals. This was a huge problem from the beginning.

In something like this itā€™s all or none. You canā€™t make the players on one side of a faction feel like their victims of a crime from the other faction and then say the players in the Horde faction doing their story quests and work quest arenā€™t responsible for carrying out their leaders commands.

All of my Horde characters are guilty of their war crimes. Even if Blizzard writes a redemption arc for Sylvanas. The Horde faction didnā€™t known what she was planning. They followed her orders and committed war crimes.


okay first of all the night elves werenā€™t genocided.

everything will be okay lol

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On behalf of all Blood Elves who suffered the exact same from the Scourge (and worse) all I can say is this. Karma. It sucks doesnā€™t it? Maybe you shouldnā€™t of exiled half of your race, simply so your ā€œPriestessā€ could establish an illegitimate theocracy with secret-police for 10,000 years?

Maybe having the Wardens imprison Blood Elf Demon Hunters that were in no way subject to Night Elven laws was a bad idea? Just pointing that out for you there Usagi.

You and Tuxedo-Kamen ā€˜kind ofā€™ brought all this ruin upon yourselvesā€¦

So I say as a proud Blood Elf, the following. You can afford to deal with it, the same way we Sinā€™dorei had to. Just consider yourself fortunate that we havenā€™t sent out saboteurs to undermine whatever ash-heap you pick to live on next.

Letā€™s play a game people, how long before the Night Elves ally with the ā€œLifeā€ aspect of the Cosmos and seek to bring a Botani / Hive-mind existence to all things, because they found a cosmic entity which was willing to give them a quick fix for their immortality addiction?

I give it 2 expansions.


there are more night elves who survived the 4th war than there was belves who survived the 3rd.


All I can add to this thread is one more thing. Sitting by my Sunwell, I feelā€¦


also night elf areas that exist to this day. feralas , valshara, every druid place, in almost every single alliance city. among the differnt alliance armies, winterspring, felwood, southern barens, desolace, stone talon, several settlements in easternkingdoms ( which you need to go out and see for there is a ton) and the list goes on. the night elves were not killed off they lost alot of people but it was not a genocide . the blood elves lost over 90% of their population and when they were trying to find new allies and trying to rejoin the alliance the nightelves sent people to sabotage the arcane sanctims which provided magic which if they didnt it would kill them . magic is like food to them they are not as dependant to it as nightborne but it still can hurt them almost every elderly high elf died the moment the magic was cut off they could not handle it. the night elves have got whats long since comming to them, and by an elf none the less. if anything. and best yet the war was not even planned by sylvanas it was all planned by your favorite old soldier saurfang.

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Iā€™m a Sylvanas fan, but if what you posted is accurate - holy crap that is just AWFUL writing.

Just completely misses the mark, especially with all the Elune talk going around - making Tyrande a useless scrub is bad.


she doesnt know what shes talkn about .

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Night Elves really be walking around on their ancient mounts in their entire zone dedicated to how cool Tyrande, Elune and Ysera is saying Blizzard hates them. :rofl:

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That is stupid to be honest.
A real danuser of a direction.

Unfortunately this type of crap is ongoing for Blizz.
They will never learnā€¦

I kinda miss Metzen, not perfect but he had something else.


Honestly, it feels like blizzard hasnā€™t given any thought to how the afterlife and souls are supposed to work. It all feels so odd and half-baked. I am not surprised they just swept something like that under the rug. I wouldnā€™t count on that changing. We should have never done an afterlife expansion.

As for Tyrande forgiving Sylvannas, I donā€™t see it as out of character at all. Think of all the crap they let Illidan get away with in WC3. Like every time he did something horrible they forgave him. Thatā€™s just this style of light-hearted fantasy story telling.


Iā€™m sorry what? When did this happen?


Well, the Night Elves did it to the Trolls, and we still have tons of them running around.

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I think itā€™s the simplistic take on the sabotage missions ordered by Fandral in BC (they would have been bad but also itā€™s Fandral, who spent most of Vanilla running kaldorei society into the ground)

Of course that kind of nuance is hard to make when the writers arenā€™t exactly encouraging it for the sake of blue teamxred team