(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

Pfft. :roll_eyes:

Demon hunters.

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Uh okay, but that still doesn’t mean that we saved the majority at all.

Well, if atleast 1000 died, and we only saved a hundred? 

Oh yea, a neutral zone. I bet that will go well with the Horde there. Aside from that they only have Darkshore with the Horde right at their doorstep in Ashenvale.

Of course they were, what do you think the Horde was doing in these lands? They were killing and hunting down everyone they could find.

Yes they did. After MoP they gave the Horde Azshara so that the Horde would stay out of Ashenvale.

Those aren’t zones.

No she doesn’t lol, not in a million years.

No we don’t, you have to be absolutely foolish to believe that.

We do know specifics, we have known specifics since BfA, they are even glorifying genocide just because Sylvanas did it.

Nope, not after MoP.

They even have a book upcoming with 300 pages about rewriting her history and making genocide seem like a good thing.


What happened in BFA does not clue us to what happens to Sylvanas. Now I’m not doubting full redemption, she is a cash cow.

But you were the same one claiming that Tyrande was gonna die. That she was gonna lose her powers. Neither of those happened.

Wait to see the story before crying.

Sure would be a shame if someone learned that the ends don’t justify the means and that succumbing to rage and darkness in the pursuit of vengeance, or even justice, sometimes provides only a pyrrhic victory at best. A real shame.


That’s so much fun for the video game that I would like to play for entertainment. Isn’t that what you play games for? To have things that you like destroyed and then sit through a lecture on why you’re a bad person for wanting to hit the people who did it back in the context of a faction rivalry that Blizzard has marketed since the inception of this franchise?


I would say op,you are jumping to conclusions to quick the the story isn’t over in this expanse there is more here to be revile.

You mean, like you did in the warfront? Which you (if you’re on the NE side) win! :laughing:

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You do realize blood elfs are apart of that lore right?

Yup, they can fall from grace too!

went a bit too far with that one. Someone needs to work on separating fantasy from reality.

Obviously the OP has their own narrative which they are stubbornly sticking to. Others have their version as well.

Stuff in Beta can still change.

Wait and see. Time will tell.

I agree, this is lack luster af.

And I am a Sylvannas supporter. But this is so lmaoooo, I wanted to see Sylvannas vs Night warrior tyrande, FFS

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Especially since the writing staff burnt down the tree, the Horde playerbase had nothing to do with it.


Well NE are part of the alliance and Blizzard hates the alliance so they had to go. They were sitting on prime real estate that could be renovated to mud huts.

if you’re a sylvanas supporter why can’t you spell her name right


Why are we arguing who bliz hates more rather than just agree they suck at writing in general?


Maybe for the same reason why he described something as being “so lmaooo”.

Because then the OP wouldn’t have an outlet for their victim complex.


this is all malfurions fault

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when night elves try to drive blood elves to extinction nobody bats an eye, but suddenly when the horde burns one tree everyone loses their minds.

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Did you learn nothing from 8.3? An Old God fully released from his prison was destroyed in a single patch.

FFS EQ devs a generation earlier did a better job with Mata Muram.

This game is dead until in better hands. No two ways about it.