(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

The night elves DID canonically get their lands back… have you not paid attention to the Alliance canonically winning the battle of Darkshore?

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And Sylvanas doesn’t have a downside bound to her powers at all. Tyrande lost every battle as the Night Warrior.

Says who? Usually the story only has 1 “player character”

The ingame numbers tell us we saved around 10%.

It doesn’t make sense for a race to rebuild when they have no lands left and basically no people left to focus on rebuilding. How are they going to defend themselves against the Horde?

Yes they were, rewatch the War of Thorns.


They had Ashenvale, Darkshore and Teldrassil.

Nope, unless you count a contested zone which would be foolish to say the very least.

Specifically there are “far too few” left according to Elegy.

Feralas is contested and Stonetalon was pretty much conquered by the Horde in Cata.

So that’s 1 out of 3 zones.

Forsaken didn’t lose a single zone.

Why doesn’t Sylvanas have to die for the powers of the Jailer then, that are way stronger?

No they didn’t. They even said that the Night Elves won’t get a new home at the latest Blizzcon(line).

Which are “far too few”.

You lost one warchief, once. And not in a raid, but instead Thrall killed him. Sylvanas isn’t dying.

We do know that Sylvanas wins and gets what she wanted.

This is the result of us only saving a small percentage.

Yea, but how when they’re mostly dead, and their lands either in Horde hands or destroyed?

Definitely the majority since their 3 zones were wiped out, and the fact that there are “far too few” left.


We don’t get to kill Sylvanas.

She just kicked out the traitors that helped the Horde kill her people and destroy her home. She didn’t kill anyone that didn’t attack first.

Since when was Darkshore their only zone?

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Blizzard. It’s literally there in the new book coming out.

There are no in game numbers. Gameplay mechanics are not lore.

They have lands left. And they’re currently hanging out at Hyjal. You’re wrong. As usual.

No they weren’t. Read the actual lore.

They never had all of Ashenvale. Haven’t for a while. And they got Dakrshore back. They still have part of Stonetalon and Feralas and Felwood and Winterspring and Moonglade and Hyjal and Val’sharah… you want to keep going?

That’s not a few. It’s less than before.

Wrong. Brill and UC are both toast.

She does die.

You’re being dramatic.

And we kill her later. Grats. Can you stop posting this hyperbolic nonsense now? Thanks.


Until we know specifics, any bellyaching about what happened is just digging for drama.

Game mechanics are not story lore.

All their lands are not, and they aren’t mostly dead. You just don’t count them all because it wouldn’t let you play the victim card.

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Ilysm <3

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Yea, Tyrande’s death is missing. It’s a real shame.


Green Jesus left to find himself, Vol’jin tooken out by wrathguard #450, Sylvanas, Garrosh. Whether thrall killed him in raid or not is irrelevant another warchief is becoming your loot pinata and dying.

Dunkin on em.

I always said that the Night elfs were a cursed race, they were never descendants of the classic RPG elfs that we would see and nor were they a race thought from the beginning of Warcraft, something like a filler.

That is why in a reason they have failed in everything, their unexpected pride led them to ruin, and on revenge is bad, it kills the soul and poisons it in what it reflects on the destiny of their priestess, it shows that they were always what they were. losers of Azeroth.

So without further ado, stay there, in Ardenweed, you will have the peace you need, and leave it to the professionals to commission this mess regardless of whether you are horde or alliance.

In other words, you better stay on the bench.

I’m OK with Night Elves being forgotten.

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Night elves have Darkshore and Hyjal. All they had before was Teldrassil and Darkshore since Ashenvale has been contested since WC3.

Also… Forsaken lost Tirisfal glades and the undercity.

Canonically Alliance won it, but will those changes show up in game, not likely. Honestly this seems to be a larger issue, look at Cataclysm, Horde canonically won in some of the zones and it was shown in game. Alliance wins something and it doesn’t. Really Blizz needs solve the larger issue of how victories are shown or not shown in game.


I’ve always been an advocate for, “Her time will come” whenever I’ve read these threads in the past, knowing that the story is still unraveling, but it’s getting harder to defend poor writing.

Because cataclysm was the big old world balancing update. The horde classic experience was flat out abysmal compared to the Alliance. It was why I was trying to get my brothers to roll Alliance instead of horde.

Night Elves won most of Ashenvale back in Cata. So they would have had Teldrassil, Darkshore, Ashenvale and Hyjal.

Now they just have Darkshore and Hyjal for reasons.

Should be noted Felwood was being reclaimed somewhat by both horde and Alliance forces.

Forsaken doesn’t lose tirisfal. Alliance pulled out after the fight.

While region is messed up though is course. But they also still hold Hillsbrad, Andorhal, Silverpine and a major supply route to Silvermoon.

If the Alliance had a campaign pushing up from hillsbrad to assault Undercity I think both sides would have actually lost about the same in the end.

I wish they’d do another of those… Finish out the storylines with some of that phasing they’re so proud of.

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:evergreen_tree: :fire:

Just stayin’ warm here, don’t mind me.

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Can you blame them?


Oh sorry, I thought that we took care of you back when we burnt down your tree. Hold still, this will only hurt for a moment.

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