(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

NE players might as well just accept that Blizzard is going to close this story line done and not give a damn about the mess they have created. We will see no rebuilding and much like the other homeless Alliance races, we will spend the rest of the life span of the game living in the capital cities of other races. While I am sure Sylvanas will build the Forsaken a totally awesome new home in Lordaeron.

Oh look. Another lore-based situation of Horde leaders being given ridiculous booty-pulls and Alliance leaders getting killed off.

RIP King Wrynn.

i’m reading this post and you bring up a lot of good points, but if i may bring up another: most genocides go unanswered.

the US just now formally recognized the Armenian genocide which happened over a century ago. the Tutsi’s were wiped out in the Rwandan genocide, and there are likely two genocides going on right now, one in Ethiopia and one in China.

The holocaust was somewhat unique in history in that the people behind the genocide had their crimes tried and faced justice. the vast majority of genocides we don’t even know about because history is written by the victors.

if this is what the writers go with for Tyrande, its actually pretty accurate to reality.

Speculation from a NPCs in a quest is 1000% more accurate then the random stuff you are tossing out. It took YEARS for the CC to partially cleans Gilneas. What was used on Gilneas was nothing compared to what happened to Undercity.

Also remember Silvermoon while testing the soil of the scare and being told that it was impossible for it to ever be cleansed?

Poor Varian

He gets to Join Cairne, Garrosh, and Vol’Jin in death.

Looking forward to Greymane going rogue and becoming a next-expansion raid boss.
Then Maybe we can have Tyrande become an expansion boss in “Greymane 2.0.”

At least the night warrior would have been more interesting if it corrupted her and we had to beat it out of her before tossing her in prison.

Then the alliance could complain about lore.

its the dance

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i hope this was sarcasm because only one alliance leader has died compared to the multiple horde leaders that died off. Garrosh, Vol’jin, Carine, possibly sylvanas, saurfang, gallywix, king rastahkan, alternate grommash hellscream.

Now for alliance: Varian well thats it.

Which varian died a heroic death saving genn greymane, the soilders that lived at that point as well as the ship. Took out a massive fel reaper and went down like a champ.

Now how did they die or will? Garrosh as a traitor to his people going evil. Vol’jin by random demon number 358. Carine was cheated / betrayed because evil tauren posioned and rigged the duel. saurfang died in a duel against evil warchief and he didn’t even had a chance. King rhastakan died because jaina. Gallywix abondoned his people and will probably be found in some future patch as a dungeon boss to be killed. Alternate garrosh got slaughtered by a zealotry group of draenei or by his own light corrupted son. It wasn’t clear. Sylvanas seems to may or may not die nobody knows but its pointing in that direction.

Renewal = start making some ne babies

i dont see a problem, mama Alexstrasza does that all the time

i haven’t read yalls conversation but is the green plague used by the forsaken the same thing as the blight used there by the scourge? given the plague was manufactured i wouldn’t think they’re the same thing

Nordrasil is considered their new capital.

The new plague is a version of it. It is just an example of how long lasting its effects can be.

Honestly - The NE should settle in Arathi - its a valley; maybe grow a tree there and be closer to the Alliance.

It was really disappointing to see Blizzard essentially discard the whole “Night Warrior” thing - that appears to be the resolution - we might see some lame-anime “Rage mode” moment down the line - but otherwise it was a sacrifice where nothing was sacrificed and growth without any actual gain.

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yeah but if one of them is curable, even with extreme difficulty, and the other isn’t, i wouldn’t really consider them the same thing. especially since they come from completely different sources

and we all know blizzard won’t let undercity rot there forever, they’ll eventually reuse it somehow i’m sure. even if it takes them a decade to remember it’s there

I love when people complain about their own headcanon.

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They have already moved the NE on from Teldrassil, so I doubt they are going to reuse either. Also the point isn’t that they are different it is that it further shows the long lasting effect of the plaque and how difficult it is to cleanse. There are plenty of in game examples of the new plague being hard to clean (which was one of the reasons why Garrosh didn’t want it used). Even in areas where it was just deployed it took years to partially cleanse while Undercity was the storage and manufacturing epicenter. It had giant tanks of the stuff all over.

They have the highest concentrations, but they are not the only places. As I pointed out.

That was the whole point of me pointing them out.

The OP is acting like there’s 4 night elves left in existance, and all of them are guys or something along those lines, and acting like there’s literally no night elves left.

Yes, getting hit in the capitol city hurts severely, and sylvanas did do her best to kill as many as she could, but she didn’t nearly come close to killing all of them.

It’s better that we get to kill Sylvanas than having another final boss kill stolen by a major lore character AGAIN.

Aaaaah!!! :runs from the patch::

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don’t forget the Dark Irons, They had a huge part in it.

And they killed me over and over in Classic if the tank doesn’t pull just right.

Nope. I mean justice for ethnically cleansing Dalaran and now also for murdering king Rastakhan and sacking Dazar’alor.