(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

… I don’t even know what this is supposed to mean.

No I want revenge. Whether in blood or punishment. There’s no moving on until that occurs! End of story.

Blizzard seems to write stuff to fit into a moment. Then throws out everything from the past to create some great new cut scene.

BfA had some very good small stories. But overall the expansion story was a horrible broken failure! Which as a result makes any story they tell in Shadowlands a joke when they introduce something new. You can’t just forget about the past because they want to write it so.

The current WoW writers did all of this to themselves. They only have themselves to blame for the current sad state of where the main narrative is.


Clearly you haven’t been keeping up with 9.1.

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It doesn’t matter what you want, Anduin is the supreme leader of the Alliance.

You are correct. I stopped playing Shadowlands after about three weeks. I responding mostly to,

I would like to see some followup. But I think a lot of players are like me. Waiting years later to get any satisfying or meaningful resolve is just too little too late.

But maybe it’s just me. It just doesn’t seem to work in a video game. Maybe a 2 hour movie, or a novel you can read in a week, or even something like GoT where you get something new each week. But drip feeding bits of the story and jumping around from story to story to story and trying to add in plot twist after plot twist over months and years just makes me lose interest and not care to the point I’ve stopped playing all together.

Now all I see is systems, systems, systems, and more systems. It’s to difficult to follow the stories. It’s to much work to follow the stories. When I have to go to fan sites to figure them all out and have them explained to me it stops being fun. It doesn’t feel as much like a MMORPG as it does a consumer product being designed to keep their customers around longer. Much like Vegas does to keep their paying customers in their casinos longer.

If Blizzard has done anything with all of these systems it been to train their players to be really good at them and as a results the players now know BS systems when they seem them. Thanks Ian for making us so good at them. :smile:

Sorry, I kind of went off topic there. lol


We still don’t have the cinematic for this battle to know how it goes.

She does not. Elune saves her and she maintains her powers.

This is not shown anywhere. Even in the spoilers on WoWhead.

We’ll see likely before the end of this year.

WoW story has never been great, but acting this offended to make these outrage threads constantly, especially with incomplete or wrong info is just a waste of emotion and time.

If they are talking renewal the race will likely be replenished and at least from a lore perspective things healed.

They don’t say this anywhere and we have no idea what happens to Sylvanas yet in the raid.

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There are a ton of night elves still alive in various parts of azaroth on top of the massive chunk of people we saved during the attack on the tree

night elves are def not “wiped out”

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I think I saved 23 of them myself. From the encounter I was led to believe that most died. So whatever the real truth is, this is the 800 million pound gorilla in the room that is the problem with WoW’s currently story telling method. It stinks! lol

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didnt we just open portals and people just ran through them as we fought

All I remember is passing out as I failed at saving people. To me the whole scenario only left me with the feeling that the Horde committed mass genocide on the Night Elves in the burning of the tree. That the Horde must play, that the Horde leaders must pay, and that the Horde players must pay! That their would be no rest until they all paid!

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maybe they meant people who matter or people with valid opinions. Because really do you want to listen and design the game based on people who cry the loudest and get upset over everything?

Been getting that Alliance Fist Pump moment constantly now!~

… They failed to mention how you were going to take it though…

They will probably put it in some out of game book. because they suck at putting anything in the damn game.

Depends on what they have to say.

They’ve always been so limited in how they could render Teldrassil in-game, and I’ve always gotten the sense that they were probably a little embarrassed by it. But I think that now they could make it look so much better. This is such a perfect opportunity to do that.

What I’ve been hoping for all of this storyline, over the course of maybe a couple expansions, was that the immediate threat (basically Sylvanas) would be somewhat neutralized and the situation somewhat stabilized (which is kind of happening), and then we’d get a new, restored tree-city, that would be rendered in a more modern way. Lore-wise, It would be accelerated because of druidic magic and nature’s blesssing, but in player-time, it would still take a couple expansions to grow, and we’d see it in go through a couple of stages.

A while back they put in that grove in the Desolace, and I’ve always thought that it would be cool if it grew a few times over the course of the expansions. But it’s all set-and-forget, I guess.

I don’t think they’ll actually do all that, but that’s what I think they should do.

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It’s actually not that absurd to think too.
A ton of the assets from Suramar could be used, as the Shen’dralar are a part of their ranks now, and could easily assist with quickly setting up a new capital in Hyjal - or raising something new from the ashes of Teldrassil or something if they don’t want to use the zone.
Seriously. Have Mordent do something. The Gilneans would likely help too, although, I’d rather they just take Gilneas back.

If we do wind up getting an old world update, I don’t think we’re building into it. It’ll just be there. And it’s sort of needed, the Alliance doesn’t have an elvish city anymore despite having 4 types of them prominent in the lore.

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It’s not like they’re an endangered species like the White Rhino. They just lost a large portion of their population. That’s what a genocide is. Not necessarily the majority, but a large group.

They can absolutely rebuild.

looks at Winterspring, Hyjal, and Feralas

Go on.

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Also I’m not sure if it’s permanent but Night Elves are supposed to be in Nordrasil now, it’s listed as their capital city.

I’m really disappointed in their narrative direction with the Night Elves. The Night Warrior thing really feels like it doesn’t have a purpose or reason for even being in the story other than making Tyrande have something to do (go crazy, in this instance). Malfurion is nowhere to be found, either. It all feels like a meaningless story. There is no concrete conclusion that results in retribution/justice for the Kaldorei. They still don’t have a home, the Worgen don’t have a home, either.

It would be better if Hyjal or Moonglade were turned into a new Night Elf capital, but I don’t see it happening, just like with Gilneas sitting there doing nothing, too. :frowning:

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