[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

They missed a chance to have him be the one to speak with Tyrande (him or Genn) about the loss of her people. Would have been way more appropriate than pampered poodle Anduin.

Also, flavor text to where he was during BFA would have been nice. He appears only at the signing I think.

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He was on the Vindicaar playing poker

This would have been fine. Lol.

He lost the Vindicaar in a gamble and this is why the Alliance didn’t use it.

Oh man, I almost forgot about the Mag’har scenario.

Hey, do you think Gey’arah’s naked praise for fascism is going to come up again or is that another thing that we’re going to pretend that didn’t happen?

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I think well all already know the answer to this, come on

“There are Draenei on this world? Not for long.”

Right. Gey’arah tirelessly serves to protect the living, just like all the Diet Alliance.

I just like how Gey’arah went from “Sure I can get behind a little genocide,”

To, “whaddya mean? I always supported Saurfang”

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That’s basically the Horde story of BfA, though.

If you’re Horde, I’m sorry, but your faction’s story stinks and it’s high time someone told you.

Eh. I think that’s a little reductive. Her dialogue post sylvanas screeching away is:

Overlord Geya’rah: Keep an eye out for any who still obey Sylvanas!
Overlord Geya’rah: And remember the lesson to be learned from her.
Overlord Geya’rah: She was a strong warchief. She did whatever it took to achieve victory.
Overlord Geya’rah: But she fought only for herself, not for the Horde!
Overlord Geya’rah: We were nothing to her! She abandoned her own people!
Overlord Geya’rah: A great leader must have more than strength.
Overlord Geya’rah: They must be true to their people. They must live and die for them!
Overlord Geya’rah: Do not forget this. We will not repeat Sylvanas’s mistakes!

Does that make me think that she really had a problem with how sylvanas does things? Not really, which isn’t exactly great. But there’s clear acknowledgement of mistakes and learning a lesson from her prior subservience to sylvanas even if that is consistent with the irritating thought process of “if bad to me = bad” they assigned to the horde.


As someone who played Horde exclusively through MoP, I promise you many of us who loved the Horde are acutely aware of much our story in BfA sucked wet hamster fur


could very easily change “if you’re horde” to “if you play wow”, frankly


Also very much this

“I was cool with the genocide, but she didn’t compliment me enough.”

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you couldn’t insult the horde that way tho

Yeah, but we can’t criticize the Horde story without some weirdo getting upset.

:point_up_2: See?

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She kind of reminds me of Orgrim.

I would like for her to get more development and going down more of an Orgrim path would be neat, I think. We don’t really need another Garrosh or Thrall, and to me Orgrim was an interesting mix of the two ideologically.

Ideally without the war crimes but orcz is orcz so krump em boyz


Imagine what could have been had they not used the Mag’har scenario for more of their Grom fetish.


The problem with this is that Geya’rah was, like, the only Horde faction leader who seemed super gung-ho about Sylvanas marking Baine as a traitor unless you count Gallywix being a naked opportunist. So having her big realization be “it was Sylvanas who failed the Horde” is a pretty limp lesson.



i mean, it’s a blizzard game so the lesson isn’t going to stick, but i kind of read it as a poorly-written acknowledgment that maybe blindly following big strong muscles = bad and that’s basically the pinnacle of character growth for an orc character in current WoW so