[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

They’re always warning you about how addictive fel magic is, but in truth we just do this.

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The poor warrior trainers don’t get anything interesting. Just stand besides some weapons, that looks warrior enough.

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Maybe they should have Warriors arm wrestling at a table? Idk how you make Warriors interesting tbh. Have a shouting match with one another?

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Isn’t that just the theme of the class?

“You aren’t special in any way but you like axes and swords.”

You shouldn’t be able to pick a spec as a Warrior unless you can beat the class trainer in a headbutting competition.


An arm wrestling table would be fantastic, make it a button mashing mini game like in Monster Hunter.

Having some strategy table with little units on it that change during the day could be interesting too.

Mentioning the Valarjar in anyway would be neat.


I just feel like echoing the sentiment about how absolutely difficult it is to comprehend why they’re shuffling class trainers around given that every previous purpose they ever held was revoked.

I mean, maybe something might happen with it, if not now then later, but it remains as a big ol’… meh, until then.

Edit; Aside from the aforementioned new player quest, I suppose it falls well in line with Blizzard’s efforts to condense and simplify. It just seems… Odd, if that’s all.

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It seems odd because it is odd. Blizzard has this determination of what parts can’t be removed from the game (faction wars, class trainers, etc.), even though they’ll downplay them to meaninglessness.


Class trainer zones are cute but can we also get like one little hangout spot/tavern for each of the core races of each faction

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WoW doesn’t have any button mashing … does it? Would be something different.

Other than wanting to generalize them, it’s clear that they just want to streamline things a bit more. They also want to encourage SW/Org as THE cities new players immerse themselves into.

No longer are new players going through the general racial starting area, they are sent to Exiles Reach and then afterwords sent off to BFA content immediately. So essentially, new player aren’t getting a racial immersion like the old days, they’re getting the faction specific immersion.

Since they are removing racial flavor from the new player experience, this should be heavily considered. Seriously, new players are not going to be learning their races history any longer. It’s Exiles Reach and then [previous expansion].

Use the Class Trainers as a way to give new players an immersive experience with their races class culture. Or like you said, have a point where new players are directed to a racial camp that has Lore Walkers.

Or…they can add a magical library in capital cities or in Dalaran.

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Consult expert Ray D. Tear for content and related inquiries.

I’m not “new players” any more but all I can say is that when I was a wee lad, a literal child, first dipping toes into the demo week my mother’s coworker sent us, my first instinct was not “wow these factions sound so cool, complex, and aesthetically pleasing”.

My first thoughts were; “Wow, I can play this massive minotaur man, not many games let me do that” followed shortly by “Wow, these minotaur dudes have a rich culture and don’t follow the stereotypes of being evil, brainless brutes just because they’re big cow men.”

Later revelations about the other stereotypes they were nonwithstanding, I cared incredibly little about most of the game lore for a long time. What did snag me was the experience of the one race I did care about.

This may be a winning strategy if the gameplay improves and stays improved by any meaningful degree but the persistent reduction in world building and immersion is going to take it’s toll in the long term.


The expansion after SL will probably be a good one to see where they are taking the world building. SL seems like it’s going to be a world building on alternal cosmic planes. So if SLs actually does move slower in time vs. Azeroth (assuming the dude in the DK starting zone wasn’t lying) we could be coming back to a time skipped Azeroth. If this is the case, the could focus on racial world building.

I can’t remember where I heard this, but everyone is supposed to be sent to SLs because it’s like a vacuum. Right? If this is true, that means Azeroth will could be potentially untouched from ALL life for [x] years.

Well we expected some kind of worldbuilding out of MoP. Then Legion. Then BfA.

I won’t hold my breath but it’s equally plausible that if Shadowlands bites it halfway, maybe they’ll swing the pendulum around like they always do.

I mean, the Pandaren world building was on point.

I uh…liked the world building in Legion. Sure Suramar was retconned, but I overall enjoyed the Broken Isles. The only taint that comes to immediate mind was really Muh Tyrandeee Xavius. But overall, I thought Legion did a good job of expanding NE lore and did decent closure for the Velen/Draenei. Horde weren’t really given much. The Forsaken got a little taste, but Tauren did get to meet their cousins.

This is becoming a recurring event.

Because of coooouuuuuuurrrrressssseeeee they did


I mean more in the broad scope where the events between expansions continue to happen and then immediately end up retconned or otherwise ignored. MoP was a very solid set up to get you to care about Pandaria as far as I’m concerned but the entire faction war, the rammifications against Pandaria as a continent / people, and the fall out of the near-collapse of the Horde were whisked away to go to a completely different world and time where the consequences of all those actions disappeared. And then Legion started up and you find out that allegedly the whole world was supposed to be on fire but it was really just a couple of quests per order hall and they were all largely disconnected and irrelevant.

Need I mention the big sword.

None of the cultures or peoples in the game have actually made any meaningful revelations or had any meaningful experiences. Sure, some of the per expansion content does a good job making a place seem both cool and deep, but it never lasts. And that’s if it gets that far.

Edit; I guess I should add that I too enjoy a lot of some pieces of the stories that go on around the greater warcraft area. It’s just that all of the pieces that have the actual freedom and opportunity to get people invested in intimate, personal storylines and such… Don’t. Because they get ignored for bigger set pieces to keep the attention of the casual, surface level audience.


If you were to tell me they made this change because they thought players and a few devs were angry that there were so many women characters in BfA, I would 100% believe you.


Fair points Suyo.

Everything is to make Anduin better even Jaina’s story.


This is why the Alliance folks I know hate him. There was really no reason to write Jaina out of that recruitment, but…