[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

was in a dungeon or i would’ve responded earlier, but the low quality stardew player already stole a lot of my more coherent points, especially regarding the tone of criticism

the important thing is that people are criticizing, and as a developer/designer/author/anything else you need to be able to sift through the useless criticism and the sometimes unwarranted venom and dig out the useful information, and while a part of that comes from heeding constructive criticism, the solutions to questions like “why are so many people angry? what would make them happy?” kind of fall on the devs. player feedback is not always going to be well-reasoned or politely phrased, which sucks, but is just kind of the reality.

i’ve also not seen anyone suggest that blizzard condones genocide, and if someone says that then they’re entitled to their weird hot take. i’ll ask you kindly not to conflate other people’s opinions with mine and not imply that i’m being dishonest because you think i’m some Grand Ambassador for Every Angry Alliance Player in the Thread

for instance, i’m probably in the minority of people on this board who honestly don’t think blizzard is malicious about a good number of things (high elves being one glaring exception, but that’s its own can of worms) but there comes a point where it doesn’t matter if it’s incompetence or maliciousness, the effect is the same: a bunch of your players feel alienated or ignored and vent their frustrations where they think they might be heard


We haven’t even had an election for this position yet.


So like, is anyone else hoping Thrall gets to see Taretha in the Shadowlands?


I hadn’t even thought of this. Thrall and Taretha’s friendships was one of a few things I liked about Thrall’s backstory and character, and I’d like to see if they can come up with anything nice involving a reunion with those two. Or his parents. You know, for real this time.


Re Christie Golden, I must admit she’s my favourite Warcraft writer. I’ve always loved her books! I think she captures the characters really well!

The Lightforged Calia thing made me raise my eyebrows a tad but other than that everything she’s ever written has been awesome, imo. Including the rest of Before the Storm.

I didn’t even consider that but yes please.

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I posted this on the story forums about the subject of downplaying the war of thorns.

. In an expansion being sold on being a faction war I expected several capitals on both sides burned and/or sacked. We were sold on the Alliance vs Horde in a full out war over a mysterious new resource that whoever controlled it would tip the balance in their factions favor. We were shown that Ashara was now on the rise while we were at war.We were also told that this was not going to be MoP 2.0. We were told that it was going to be morally grey. Turns out that was a lie.

What we got wasn’t a clash of the titans over Azerite and over the top destruction before the Naga swooped in as the conflict reset preying on the battered factions or even a cool environmental narrative where we had to stop our factions from killing the planet over the lust for this resource. We got pretty tasteless genocide narratives, two new continents that felt totally disconnected from the story we were sold and the evaporation of the fun of a fictional war game. BFA was a mistake and we were lied to.

I actually support reconning as much as possible out of the game.


They’re updating the capital city to have a single hub for all Classes.


Horde (Valley of Honor):

Think they’re taking the positive response the playerbase had with the Legion Class Halls and moving forward with generalizing the organizations :woman_shrugging:

Here’s hoping that they add Alliance and Horde specific Class quests to get their players immersed into the theme more.

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I feel like I missed some news about a renewed purpose for class trainers somewhere. This is a lot of work to go through just to making an entrance to the Proving Grounds.


Oh boy, so now the Uncrowned can be 100% more secretive than they were before?

I like the extra class themes and doodads, but I’m not entirely happy with overarching neutral organizations for the classes to belong to. I like each faction, and even each race, having their own institutions and flavor.

Like, if this were themed like a hall of mercenary recruiters, where groups like the Uncrowned or Netherlight Temple or the Unseen Path were trying to recruit faction-aligned rogues, priests, and hunters, I’d be fine. (Or if they remove the Order Hall banners and are just reusing class-themed art pieces as part of the local class organizations.)

But if they’re saying that faction-aligned classes are part of these orders… Not a fan.


They might have realized that even non-RPers enjoy the immersion of doing Class quests and Class immersion. Legion proved as much.

Agreed. Dwarves shouldn’t go on huge journeys for their ancestors like an Orc shaman would. Paladins have distinct cultural differences in their factions. Tauren Paladins are not the same as Blood Elf paladins etc etc.

I really dislike the Naaru becoming a general thing for Holy Priests. Like no guys, that’s Draenei flavor comeon.

They shouldn’t give every class the Pandaren treatment.

Classes are like Ogres, many layers! Though some are pretty…general. Warriors, Rogues, Warlocks, Hunters, Death Knights…


I think you’re correct. They’re trying to evoke happier times. They frequently do this when their backs are against the wall.

I don’t think it works as well in a capital city, though. Legion’s class halls were fun for a lot of reasons, but a big one was that they made you go out into the world and experience it. That experience is not only not present, but diminished this this change, since there’s no reason to go looking for class trainers anymore.

But then again, class trainers don’t serve a purpose, so I’m not sure why they don’t just get rid of them.

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Holding out hope that they’ll give em a purpose again. But with the new leveling and the time-traveling jazz, not too sure how it would work out?

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That’d be neat, but realistically, what purpose could be given to trainers again?

Could be as small as the Pandaren zone, giving participants a XP buff.

Though maybe they could add more class specific cosmetics? Priestly staves/Robes etc etc. Nothing to Tier set levels, but maybe some flavor.

Maybe they could also offer a Glyph like system? Think Mage polymorph options, maybe they could give players a Silver Holy Fire option if they do a certain class quest?

Hell, maybe they could start adding more racial flavor to classes again. The Class Trainer in the general hub could direct you to a race specific trainer that could unlock specific racial flavor skins?

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They’re for the new player experience. After you finish Exiles’ Reach, it directs you here to pick a specialization, and the NPCs explain what each spec for your class does.

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We could easily accomplish the same thing with a parrot.

Maybe the person working on the project just likes those doodads and spent a lot of time building them for fun?

A warlock recruitment booth is a lot more immersive than a coven slinking around in the shadows/clefts/catacombs of the city performing forbidden rituals.


Do you guys just stand outside and throw imps at people telling them, congratulations you are now a Warlock. Let me tell you about responsible Imp care.