[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

You should be. They wasted Cairne and Vol’jin.

What’s with you and the phrase whitewashing.

I started mid-BFA and was not impressed at all with the game. I thought it was clunky, I felt lost, I felt belittled and small by Nathanos, I got bored, I hated seeing fourteen boots if I tried to gear up through content. All lower Ilvl then what I already wore.

Shadowlands, in its pre-release form, with all its design warts and all, looks so much more intriguing. I say this from the perspective of a brand new player to WoW. Shadowlands looks amazing, BFA …well, not.

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the word accurately or semi-accurately describes what i wanted to communicate???


So they found changes coming for the Junker Gnomes in Shadowlands. Take heart fellow nerds, we may see AR fixes and customizations soon than we realized.


Same here. Maybe my eyes are not as sensitive to color but I am not seeing anything off with them other than being cartoony WoW skin. I don’t expect it to look exactly like a real person.

Gib grey skinned nightborne >:o

Drow Night Elves Deus vult intensifies.

((I hope they fix the eyes at the bare minimum for NB))


I was targeting a nightborne lady while running Nighthold the other day. When I clicked onto myself to see the difference, my eyes looked like I had just witnessed the End Time.


i want to be a hot nightborne male


when the time warp hits

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The things I’ve seen…


Ah, what a joy it is to be part of the Alliance and receive our content an expansion later. This is an extremely equal distribution and people who agree are definitely not insane.

Slight tweak suggestion for mechagnomes, while they’re working on them; delete them and replace with high elves or Vrykul or Broken, thank you

I’m not a fan of Mechagnomes, like at all. I especially dislike that they called them Mechagnomes when we already have those in WotLK. They will forever be Junker Gnomes (y’all can’t change my mind).

With that said, they’re here to stay and we should hope for improvements on them. Like giving them full mechabodies to match their Mechagnome name and instead of them having a diaper pants cut, they should get briefs similar to Forsaken.

Sidenote, Mechagnomes not having bubblegum hair is a crime.


I’m not terribly fond of them but I’ve been having fun leveling my mechagnome alt and I can see where some of the appeal comes from. More customization options that take full advantage of the Mechagnomes inability to mog certain limbs wouldn’t be a bad thing, as they provide a unique circumstance in which to add cool replacements that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. Like maybe a limb type that fully integrates 1 handed melee weapons into the limb socket and makes a new type of 1 handed animation for the swings. Light saber arms anyone?

Or a jetpack back mog option, or just more mog options uniquely available to them that work well with their appearance.

That sounds like a lot of modeling effort that Blizzard probably wouldn’t want to dump into a gnome. It’s a cool idea, but that’s a helluva tall order haha. Though maybe they could do this on a case by case? Like those saw swords from…WotLK?And the ones from the new mega dungeon Mechagon. Mainly maybe the things that look Gnomeish.

Speaking of limbs, folks have suggested that players should be able to choose a normal limb or mechalimb (at least one limb has to be mechanical or you’d have folks building a normie gnome with the Junkers racials).

mechagnomes: Look. I just want some pants. A DECENT PAIR OF PAAAAAHNTS.


Quest log containing the zone story as you go


That’s pretty cool. I wonder how it’d look on other quests.

“You arrived in Ashenvale, massacred the native population and strip mined its resources. Now your journey takes you to Stonetalon Mountains to massacre students.”